Shares / stocks aren't worth 1 bean until you sell them and are able to convince someone to grow the bean.
To feed people you need actual beans not shares in server farms or mega yachts .
Selling shares in server farms does not automatically increase the yield of bean farms - or even switch livestock pasture into arable. Even the mega yachts would need a serious refit to become workable fishing vessels - probably not sustainable for 216 years though.
You could probably end "AI" poverty or something else pointless like that.
The idea of taxing the rich is more about being able to convince normal people to spend more time doing useful stuff (like public service) instead of billionaire service. The $ values are next to meaningless for measuring that.
I'd prefer to measure human hours (+land + other basic resources) spent serving luxuries to billionaires - on a current time basis. Then ask what else could practically be done with those hours or resources.