Exactly as intended.
Habe irgendwo auf Englisch gelesen, wir machen alternativ Nur-Nuss-November (Nonstop Nut November)
Die Großkonzerne machen durch Subventionen überschüssig erzeugte Milch zu Milchpulver, um damit den afrikanischen Markt auszubeuten. (Dort lohnt sich dann der Anbau von Milch nicht mehr und sie werden vom Import abhängig. Sofern man von Milch abhängig sein kann.)
Es redet keinee drüber, weil man sich dran gewöhnt hat, dass in Griechenland alles schlecht läuft.
Um aus den Zahlungsproblemen rauszukommen, haben die viel privatisiert. Es ist der Horror. Das Land wird sich für Jahrhunderte nicht erholen.
let's say you're on an android phone. you click share, if possible with the url of your home instance, pick calendar, choose a date and save. that seems much better than controlling a bot.
maybe it's actually some hardware clock chip being broken, as window animations also use timers, but could be coincidence the clock region started acting up first.
test the valve when you start to cook. if the button doesn't release air and the valve indicator isn't moving, turn off the heat and move the pot off the stove right at the start. in that case let it cool down for a long time before opening it, so even if there's still preasure, no hot contents get ejected.
[meta] that's it. i'm confused again if i should upvote or downvote in this community. upvoting gives op just more visibility for their shenanigans. so now i'll just block the whole stupid community. i'm sick of every day being opposite day.
this product is only needed because backwards people keep buying shoes with inferior laces instead of velcro or other superior closing mechanisms
Is this the clickbaitest title I ever read?
Ironic. This is the banana republic stuff people from countries like the US would look down on and now it came to haunt them too.