Aww shit, here we go again. Slap, tap, rack.
As soon as I saw that I thought "there's this generation's joycon deadzone"
Money can't buy happiness, but it can buy things. Things can fill the aching void in your spirit, and that is like happiness.
Very Possibly No workaround
I'm just going to link this article:
Someone tell the Republicans we found the immigrant interfering with the election.
If you see someone shoplifting, remember it isn't your job to deal with it, stores pay security for that. getting involved is providing free labor to the company, and they get enough of that through wage theft.
Good for her, I wish her well in all her endeavors to kill the Batman.
When he dies the UK will spend around $300 milion on his funeral and a party for his kid.
Or it might just be offensive or a dog whistle.
The worst part is most of that money would end up right where it started.