... unless it has a flared base.
His address, my choice
Someone tell the Republicans we found the immigrant interfering with the election.
If you see someone shoplifting, remember it isn't your job to deal with it, stores pay security for that. getting involved is providing free labor to the company, and they get enough of that through wage theft.
Don't you think he looks tired?
Good for her, I wish her well in all her endeavors to kill the Batman.
The French, whenever you see an English word and none of the letters make sense, we stole it from the French.
When he dies the UK will spend around $300 milion on his funeral and a party for his kid.
Or it might just be offensive or a dog whistle.
I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic.
They have a very different view of what constitutes an unsafe space, for the last day or so every time I saw a username with pronouns my whole body would tighten up anticipating some randomly aggressive attack post. I hate that they made me feel that way about something that should be good. I will not miss them.
DragonRider's pronouns are "Drag" not "they", just because someone is a dick doesn't mean you don't respect pronouns. Gender isn't a reward for good behavior.