I think the fact that ancaps and commies have the same same opinion on his policies is kinda amusing
I love it, I'd 3d print one if there wasn't a return system where I live
why would anarchism require a revolution? we could weaken the state gradually, which is a way better idea, since there will likely be a power vacuum after a revolution
hmm, it's kinda 50/50 in my experience, I've met a lot who think that the union, community, or whatever organised groups of people you have should enforce some kind of gun controll, especially true for people in countries without at least some gun culture
I'm anarchist left, but I do think every human should have the right to defend themself and thereforce should be able to bear arms
I'm not american if anyone's gonna ask
> The US is is an authoritarian state.
> If you disagree too loudly I will instaban you.
ofc china is the best super power in the world!!!
except if you live in africa... or taiwan... or tibet... or mongolia... or hongkong... or you're a uigur... or you're queer... or you're black... or you're a farmer... or you live in a tofu dreg building... or you like human rights... or free press... or privacy...
should I go on?
you see, china does a lot of bad things that don't require bombs, which the us doesn't, but in return they throw bombs, both are just imperialist genocide driving forces, as most states
also china's not that far away from throwing bombs:
republicans: we will shit on the working class
tankies: omg, dems so bad
god I hate cops
I always picked the girl, my friends in elementary where pretty confused about that, that was also the time where I thought it was completely normal for cis guys to want to be women
when they say they're left, but then they're authoritarian
norway funds everything by a state controlled oil industry