Do what I did: Google “what is delulu”
Yeah ok there buddy 🙄
My mom made no such effort, and gave up on calling me Jessica a couple of years ago. I’d cry my eyes out if she had sent me what your dad sent you. I know that she loves and cares about me, but she also refuses to see me as how I truly am. It’s such an odd experience, hurtful at many times. But she also bought me a car last year, and has offered to help me bridge the gap when I was off work for 2 weeks due to an injury. In spite of her non-support, I love her dearly.
What I’m getting at is that familial relationships are nuanced. Give your dad some credit for taking the time to research what being trans is about. Of course there is more to it than just the medical side of things, but he is trying.
Your age also factors into this as well.
My stepfather made several transphobic statements while he was alive. If he was still with us, I’d bet his conservative worldview would have changed a bit. I still hold him in high regard, because I know that he loved me and just wanted what he thought was best.
TL;DR: Family relationships are hard, and it seems like your dad is trying.
Without knowing the nuances of OP’s relationship with their father, it would seem that dad is trying. That text sounds like someone who did a lot of research and is trying to show that they cared enough to read up on the trans experience. Whether that leads to acceptance is something only OP will know or at least have an idea of.
Come on now. Having therapy should not be a requirement, but it should be encouraged. When someone has the courage to come out as trans, it can be a very difficult time. Having a professional that helps people who experience gender dysphoria can be a life saver. How many trans people have to go it alone in the beginning of their journey? If they have the means, I’d recommend it. Just reading studies or participating in trans spaces, for some folks, is not enough.
We fired our fact-checkers, so we cannot verify whether that is true or not.
Oh no, an old fuck who opposes health care and marriage equality fell down. I hope it hurt ☺️
How many of our politicians are old enough to draw social security? This is just fucking pathetic.
ITT: Look at the parents, this kid was just rebelling!
Press X to doubt
Or… He was a conservative that saw MAGA as the existential crisis that it is. He decided that he had nothing left to lose. He went for it.
Let’s be real here. The only shame was that he missed.
I think he died for a cause. But that could just be my bias showing.
Thats hilarious. Wake me up when he actually pays the $300 bajillion dollars.
Ah yes, the Panasonic Discman, the prime successor to the Phillips Walkman.