Because if they did, they'd have to admit that what's formed at conception isn't a fully developed person.
The ADL is already fucking apologizing on his behalf and saying he was just being "Enthusiastic" and then went on to say “In this moment, all sides should give one another a bit of grace, perhaps even the benefit of the doubt, and take a breath. This is a new beginning. Let’s hope for healing and work toward unity in the months and years ahead,”
Absolutely spineless fucking cowards, the lot of them.
I live in an area that's listed as one of the top 10 friendliest places to be trans, and I'm still absolutely fucking terrified. The election was basically the point of reckoning for me recognizing I was trans, solely due to the sheer sense of dread I felt towards the potential hatred and violence I might be facing, without explicitly recognizing why I was feeling that way until I put 2 and 2 together.
Oh no, you got me, genie! hahaha, definitely didn't want this, you got me so good 😉
The story of the filmmaker is probably one of the funniest true crime stories I've ever heard. Obviously, the murder itself is incredibly tragic, because that shitstain just catfished some random guy and murdered him in cold blood purely to stroke his ego, but the story literally feels like a dark comedy.
However, the dude thought he was basically Dexter and far more intelligent than he actually was. He wrote a fucking screenplay describing himself as this super genius sex machine, while documenting his crime in great detail and claiming it was just a coincidence the murder lined up almost identically. Then the way he tried to cover his tracks were so comically inept, it only made his guilt even more obvious.
Unfortunately, these actually might not show if the GFI is working, and might give a false negative.
If there is no equipment ground, the outlet must be labeled as such, but it is allowed by code so long as protected by GFI. However, since all these testers do is shunt hot to ground, if there's no ground connected, it won't work and appear if the GFI is not working. However, assuming it's working, it will still do its job, since it they protect against ALL current leakage, and not just ones through the outlet's ground path (otherwise they'd be pretty useless).
I had a "landlord special" where they extended an old 2 wire box with no ground, and my PC case shocked the fuck out of me after I had the carpet cleaned and was walking on the damp floor. A ground would likely have dissapated that bit of current leakage, but also a GFI would have probably tripped when I touched it. They weren't willing to run a new wire with a ground because, unsurprisingly they were cheap fucks, but I convinced them to install a GFI for safety at the very minimum.
Also worth noting that these things are easy to fool for ground, since it's bonded to neutral, and shitty electricians will tie them together at the outlet to trick the tester into seeing a "ground" when it's actually neutral. It's dangerous as fuck, and the only way to check is by taking the plate off and seeing if the outlet is properly wired.
Congratulations! I'm just past a month, and I absolutely get it. It's especially fun on those days when you're feeling extra dysphoric 🥲
Something that's helped me a lot was realizing that it's just a really lazy coping/defense mechanism from the brain. Being trans is kind of (incredibly) scary, and so it's just those echos of fear and doubt saying "Well, maybe if you just weren't trans, things would be way easier!". Then you can calmly tell that to shut the hell up, and continue living your best life :3
As someone who recently came out as well and has at least had a bit of time to work through this a bit, you're gonna be okay.
This is something that, whether you realize it or not, weighs on you in an unimaginable way and unfortunately that crushing weight causes an immense, unending pain that can get directed towards others. A lot of us have those feelings, and while you can't undo the things you've said, you can definitely make amends for it, and this is a great start.
You're going to be reflecting a lot for the next few weeks I bet, and just make sure you're not too hard on yourself. You've made an incredible step in accepting who you are as a person, and ruminating on past mistakes isn't doing that. That person is gone. You're obviously still "you", but in accepting yourself now, that scared, suffering, angry person is no longer scared and suffering and angry.
If you can, therapy, or even just journaling can help immensely. Externalizing some of the thoughts you're having by writing them down, at least for me, tends to calm things down a bit and keep them from constantly buzzing about your head.
Stay strong, and feel free to reach out. We're here for you.
That's because conservatives are very individualistic for whatever reason. Instead of seeing systemic issues they see bad apples.
Because conservatism inherently relies on fear of change, simple thinking, and avoiding the discomfort of questioning the status quo at all costs. You want to believe that everything is hunky-dory the way it is, and avoid thinking too hard about all the ways it might not be.
It's uncomfortable to think that the system you're participating in and benefitting from might be the cause of it. No one ever wants to think they're the bad guy. It's the reason they hate stuff like CRT so much, because it's an incredibly uncomfortable thought to imagine that everything they've known and tried to maintain is actually a complete nightmare and they've been part of it in some way.
The world is much scarier when you see the pain and suffering so many experience, and it's through no fault of their own. No matter what they do or didn't do, some people just get dealt a shit hand, either by chance, or because of systemic issues. It's much easier to say "The system I believe in is totally fine and just, it's their fault they haven't been able to reach the same place I have".
I finally started to come to terms with being trans, and this week has basically been non-stop coming out to people, which has been kinda rough to say the least... My wife and I were married for 4 years and planning on kids, but she saw some clear signs and really made me introspect and finally come to this realization. She's struggling hard and doesn't know what to do, as she feels like she has to mourn the man she married and "doesn't want a wife".
She moved out on Monday, and we had separate Thanksgivings with friends and had to explain to friends and family what was going on. I have a phenomenal support network of friends who've been helping me through this, but my family is distraught beyond belief at what the future holds and feel absolutely blindsided by all of this. Which, to be fair, I've done a phenomenal job at hiding it, even from myself.
Even despite all this, I feel like I've never been happier, which almost makes it feel even worse at times knowing so I've hurt some of the people I love the most so much. It also just causes so much of that doubt to come rushing back in, that I'm "faking it", and that things can "go back to normal". I know it's just a coping mechanism, and that rationally I have literally written pages of peer-reviewed journals with pretty clear "Here's why you're trans, dummy", but goddamn if it doesn't make the whole thing that much harder when those pangs of doubt come creeping back in and making it feel like I'm throwing my life away for nothing.
TL;DR it's aight
They have this twisted idea that basically all transwomen are burly middle-aged dudes doing drag, solely to invade women's spaces, so it will be no problem when they're thrown into prison because then they'll just behave like dudes again since there are no women to sexually assault. It's even worse because it feels like all the progress we've made over the past decade almost makes things worse, with more younger trans women who were able get on puberty blockers and transition early, because they will have zero chance of "boymoding" in prison to try and protect themselves.