Also worth noting that he's stated himself that his companies' values are all heavily tied together, and that it's a "carefully balanced house of cards". If Tesla falls, so to does everything else.
Ha, joke's on you! It made me a puppygirl, so take that! (I'd still like some headpats and girlcuddles plz)
The "pre-orders" weren't pre-orders. They didn't secure a VIN, were zero commitment, and were fully refundable at any time. You were literally just giving Tesla a free loan of $100 to say "I might buy one of these".
Other models? Absolutely. Cybertruck? No, fuck those people. Elon was full mask-off fascist by the time deliveries started.
I think you're underestimating just how stupid and impulsive Elon is. Reminder that this is a man who decided to get rid of the color yellow at the factory, simply because he doesn't like it. Anyone who's ever worked at a factory or industrial site knows that yellow is kind of everywhere as a safety color. But Musk is, again, one of the dumbest people alive and is totally okay making a massive decision that will almost immediately cause harm, solely because he wants to.
He's not playing 4D chess, he's playing baby's first turn-based strategy game and even then he's not very good at it.
Tale as old as time.
"I'm cool with being a guy, I only think about being a girl sometimes I guess. It would be interesting though..."
"Heh, I look nice with this Snapchat filter... I kinda wonder how I'd look in some girl's clothes?"
"Wow... I think really like how I look. But like, I'm okay with looking like a guy in public. I just crossdress for fun. Though... What if I didn't have to 'go back'"?
I've not even hit 3 months of HRT and I'm utterly astonished at how much more I give a shit about myself overall.
Or that is so good, they don't need anything more than word of mouth. And I mean real word of mouth, not the fake influencer shilling that relies on parasocial relationships "word of mouth"
I made the unfortunate "choice" (ie suffering from a mental breakdown from repressing it) to come out the week before the election. It was less than ideal. But also, fuck these people, I'm not going back to fucking hiding so some rich shitstain can pretend he cares about anything other than greed.
AGM are absolutely awful compared to even the absolute worst lithium batteries, and won't last long at all if regularly cycled below even 50% SoC. LFP chemistries are a bit worse for energy density compared to NCA/NCM chemistries, but they don't contain any nickel or cobalt, and won't autoignite in the same way other chemistries will. Absolutely ridiculous they're suggesting lead batteries over better lithium options.
I've always subscribed to the theory that the vast majority of D-Class that are "disposed of" are actually just given strong amnestics and thrown back into rotation.
Behold, the unmatched power of ~~Storm~~Eggbreaker
You've made the world a far better place than any of those shitstains could ever hope to. However little it may mean, you're improving and saving lives, and we're all thankful for it.