The idea that a horse could prepare is kinda whack. What is it gonna do? Get to an open field?
Put sharp shoes on, prance around celebrating your imminent death.
one of my favourite graphs ever dunno if it's real but eh it's funny
love the difference on geese
personally I'd say rat house cat and medium dog are my definite I'd win not even that difficult maybe maybe the big dog but I dunno the dog could win any of the others are a hard no I'd die
Have Americans even seen what a goose does?
You’d have a hand around its neck, doing twirls for a shotput throw, and yeah, the goose goes like twenty-five meters back into the lake, and that’s fine.
But with a sinking realization as the goose fucks off, it stole your wallet.
There is a family legend about an amorous goose. I don't know it well enough to tell it properly though, I wasn't there when it happened. But I do not understand the Statesian confidence in goose warfare.
Our confidence comes from experience. Canada has been sending their worst at us for generations. We fight geese as children.
“But the horse gets it too” really sends it for me.
Any dude who thinks he can beat a horse is just so wrong. I don't think anything bigger than a bug is possible. I would feel too bad lol
If you get prep time surely its easy? What is the horse going to do, I can just make a few spears and set a stick on fire to wave in its face to scare it.
Depends what counts as winning. If leaving the arena counts as forfeit then I reckon I could beat a horse cus I don't think a horse has any desire to be there
Don't think horses can carry HIV. PreP is not necessary
Ok Mr. Hands...
Mom raised abandoned mountain lion cubs. Let's just say I now have no illusions as to my skill fighting an angry possum.
tl;dr: A 90lb. cat with eat your fucking lunch. Even without claws.
I could definitely beat the piss out of a salmon, especially if we were brawling out-of-water. A sheep too. I might get a little hurt, but I think I'd be evenly matched with an angry sheep.
Nah, a sheep would kick my ass. A salmon too probably.
I think for me the line is somewhere between big dog and wolf lmao
Unarmed or armed?
A horse with arms is much more dangerous. No way I could take it.
They're called Centaurs you bigoted fuck.
I would say unarmed unprepared combat I could do a coyote. I would be super fucked up but I think I could take one.
I heard of a grandma taking a bobcat once, so maybe that?
The biggest problem is that most animals will never fight to the death. I could take multiple coyotes if I just need to scare them off. I could take a bear or mountain lion if all I need to do is not die.
Checkmate liberals! 😁
I could take a bear
If the bear actively wanted you dead? It would also hugely depend on the bear. A sunbear? Maybe. A polarbear could kill me just by sitting on me.
Animals only have so much motion to kill you. Polar bears have few food options and aren't as scared of humans, while a lone black bear is more scared of you than you are of it. If you threaten any bear's cubs, they'll end you. However, apex predators rarely fight in the wild unless they have strong motive. They'll often claim and cede territory without fighting directly.
"take in a fight" assumes both sides will be fighting though, not just stumbling upon eachother.
If a small sunbear wants to actively fight me, they're like 30 kilos. I feel like have a nonzero chance against one. Not very much beyond zero though, because it's got claws the size of my fingers
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