The glasses are nothing, he proposed to his wife on Reddit.
‘It became clear to me that people wanted more children than they were having,’ Babu says.
So clearly the best action is to constantly tell everyone how great kids are and that they should totally have them. Because that solves the problem of people wanting kids they don't/can't have. I try to read even our designated sneer fodder in good faith but I can't understand why anyone thinks these people are at all intelligent beyond the "only slightly less than average" level. I thought Good Will Hunting taught everyone the difference between smart and rich, but maybe that was just me.
Read through the whole affair and just had to keep shaking my head the whole way through. Like, they're at least capable of pretending to disavow the Nazis and fundies who follow the same pro-kid-having definitely-not-eugenics ideas. And they talk about some of the real obstacles or having kids; raising a child and setting them up for something resembling success is expensive and hard and the world doesn't exactly feel like it's on an upwards trajectory. But rather than look at those problems in their own right and try to actually make living cheaper or easier for people in ways that would make having kids more viable and more rewarding (How long are you at the office? How much time and energy do you have when you get home?), these upper-class twits of their generation are trying to convince the few people for whom those aren't as serious problems that they should have kids. Like, I'm all in favor of improving reproductive health and that kind of technology but we are nowhere near the point where that's going to make a population-level impact on demographics. Like, they're out here trying to figure out if they can make the run to third base when they've only just brained the mascot with a foul ball. Solve the actual problem in front of us first.
They don't want to make a population level impact on demographics, they want their kids to be the new aristocracy
This just makes me think of JJ Abrams' self-insert Star Wars character, Babu Frik.
Truly the best part of the sequel movies, there shall be no Babu Frik hate here
FYI previous discussions here about the Collins couple (there's no quota or anything, just if you want to read more comments):
The article says in a couple parts that this couple claims to be pro-LGBT rights. This could not be farther from the truth, at least for the T part. They speculated on one of their podcasts that trans people exist because of anime avatars, and also derided trans people as "the priest class of urbanism".
"pro-LGBT rights" here means "pro Peter Thiel". He gives them a lot of money.
Brainstorm session! How do we make the world a better place, being people that are motivated and live comfortable lives?
Do we help the needy? Do we use our influence to band together with our similarly-advantaged peers to change politics to make life easier for the disadvantaged? Do we use our able bodies to do volunteer work? Do we live minimalist lives and take only what we need?
Wrong, we pump out as many kids as possible!
- the Collinses
I usually read the articles linked in Lemmy but I haven't managed to bring myself to read the whole of this one. It's utter lunacy, linked (of course) to the EA and the cult of Yudkowsky.
Apparently the Wikipedia for The Collins is also an endless source of crazy.
Eugenics where you try to optimize for high self esteem so that future generations no longer need stupid excuses to justify their breeding kink.
These people watched Idiocracy and got the wrong lesson
While googling around for stuff about them I found this article about a sting Hope Not Hate did on them. They produced a slideshow of doom for a fictional wealthy investor, imagining a proposed eugenicist city state on the Isle of Man.
What is it with these people and islands? Bankman-Fried wanted to buy Nauru. I assume none of them realize the inherent economic and planning disadvantages of building your empire on a tiny island....
All I can figure is that they want to build a hydraulic empire but are too lazy to work through the practical difficulties of plumbing.
Hurling ordure at the TREACLES, especially those closely related to LessWrong.
AI-Industrial-Complex grift is fine as long as it sufficiently relates to the AI doom from the TREACLES. (Though TechTakes may be more suitable.)
This is sneer club, not debate club. Unless it's amusing debate.
[Especially don't debate the race scientists, if any sneak in - we ban and delete them as unsuitable for the server.]