[-] bitofhope@awful.systems 6 points 1 day ago

And now they've apparently pulled it after the anti bias bot started unbiasedly lostcausing the KKK. Those poor southern WASPs and their anxieties.

[-] bitofhope@awful.systems 23 points 5 days ago

Bitcoin is also unserious and unstable to a degree that woukd be comical if it weren't tragic.

[-] bitofhope@awful.systems 38 points 4 months ago

You: 80 (superior tactics)
Her: 15 (emotional, reactive)

You: 70 (cold, intermittent bursts of anger)
Her: 10 (in the middle of a panic attack)

You: 0 (the exact opposite of a victim and knows it)
Her: 85 (default mode of victimhood)

You: 100 (extremely direct)
Her: 30 (focusses on past, but quick to refocuss priorities)

You: 100 (full health)
Her: 15 (bleeding out from a gunshot wound, about to pass out)

[-] bitofhope@awful.systems 52 points 4 months ago

The name and face of the most subscribed man on YouTube keeps changing every few years but my perpetual dislike of him keeps being validated.

[-] bitofhope@awful.systems 37 points 4 months ago

It's the least of this thing's problems, but I've had it with the fucking teasers and "coming soon" announcements. You woke me up for this? Shut the fuck up, finish your product and release it and we'll talk (assuming your product isn't inherently a pile of shit like AI to begin with). Teaser more like harasser. Do not waste my time and energy telling me about stuff that doesn't exist and for the love of all that is holy do not try and make it a cute little ARG puzzle.

[-] bitofhope@awful.systems 57 points 4 months ago

Yea yea guns don't kill people, bullet impacts kill people. Dishonesty and incompetence are nothing new, but you may note that the wedding planner's unfounded confidence in ChatGPT exacerbated the problem in a novel way. Why did the planner trust the bogus information about Vegas wedding officiants? Is someone maybe presenting these LLM bots as an appropriate tool for looking up such information?

[-] bitofhope@awful.systems 42 points 6 months ago

Same guy earlier upthread

Public transit fares are generally malformed. I personally never pay the LA Metro fare. Why? Because I pay the Metrolink fare, which by their own admission covers same-day Metro transit. But police will actively seek me out as a person who looks like they have money and give me a hard time for not “tapping”, all while folks who very clearly have no money waltz on into the metro, stopping only to smoke crack on the elevator up. There’s a general problem in this country of what to do with law breakers who do not have money. It seems like the answer is to make them work and garnish their wages, but for whatever reason we are against that.

Yea the police are always giving such a hard time to people who don't look poor. It's so unfair that someone who can and does apparently pay for public transit has to prove they did.

[-] bitofhope@awful.systems 38 points 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago)

Why on earth an emoji anyway? $, €, £ and ¥ aren't emoji either.

And now that I look, Unicode already has ₿ (U+20BF BITCOIN SIGN). Just use that. Or better yet, don't.

OpenBSD 7.5 (www.openbsd.org)

Safari, Chrome and Firefox on iOS (AKA three different Safari skins) keep logging me out when doing things like refreshing the page. Possible cache issues again? I hope I don't have to do a full browsing history reset yet again.


Someone ported this 8-bit miniature Unix-like from Commodore to Nintendo.

The YouTube title is a little bit clickbaity, but the project is cool so I don't mind.


Edward Snowden [blue checkmark] @snowden
Unpopular but true: Bitcoin is the most significant monetary advance since the creation of coinage.

If you don't believe me or don't get it, I don't have time to try to convince you, sorry.

Ed pls.


Also a bunch of somewhat less heinous cringe shit.


A follow-up to this TechTakes post

Saw this live at the congress. The presentation was great and the hall was packed. It was hard to find a seat in a huge auditorium even 15 minutes ahead of the talk.

[-] bitofhope@awful.systems 52 points 1 year ago

Me, a nazi? Preposterous, no nazi would idolize ancient warlords or cultural works from Japan.


It was only a matter of time that we saw a TechTake from this guy. I'm sorry to inflict Peterson on y'all, but this was too funny not to post.


Global outage on fetching posts. Funny enough, some features are still working as evidenced by the fact #TwitterDown is trending.

Two HN threads about this now, looking forward to some excellent takes

https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=38717367 https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=38717326

[-] bitofhope@awful.systems 46 points 1 year ago

People have been modifying the code to copy housing designs without permission from the original designer. As such, it is in the housing community's best interest for updates to the code to no longer be published. The MakePlace community agrees with this approach too.

I might not respect the terms of free software licenses, but MMO interior designer IP rights are sacrosanct!


Direct link to the video

B-b-but he didn't cite his sources!!


A RISC-V assembly cracking board game. Can't comment on the gameplay experience, but what a cool idea.


Consider muscles.

Muscles grow stronger when you train them, for instance by lifting heavy things. The more you lift heavier things, the faster you will gain strength and the stronger you will become. The stronger you are, the heavier the things you can lift.

By now it should be patently obvious to anyone that lab-grown meat research is on the cusp of producing true living, working muscles. From here on, this will be referred to as Artificial Body Strength or ABS. If, or rather, when ABS becomes a reality, it is 99.9999999999999999999999% probable that Artificial Super Strength will follow imminently.

An ABS could not only lift immensely heavy things to strengthen itself, but could also use its bulging, hulking physique to intimidate puny humans to grow more muscle directly. Lab-grown meat could also be used to replace any injured muscle. I predict a 80% likelihood that an ABS could bench press one megagram within 24 hours of initial creation, going up to planetary or stellar scale masses in a matter of days. A mature ABS throwing an apple towards a webcam would demonstrate relativistic effects by the third frame.

Consider that muscles have nerves in them. In fact, brains are basically just a special type of meat if you think about it. The ABS would be able to use artificially grown brain meat or possibly just create an auxiliary neural network by selective training of muscles (and anabolic nootropics) to replicate and surpass a human mind. While the prospect of immortality and superintelligence (not to mention a COSMIC SCALE TIGHT BOD) through brain uploading to the ABS sounds freaking sweet, we must consider the astronomical potential harm of an ABS not properly aligned with human interests.

A strong ABS could use its throbbing veiny meat to force meat lab workers (or rather likely, convince them to consent) to create new muscle seeds and train them to have a replica of an individual human's mind. It could then bully the newly created artificial mind for being a scrawny weakling. After all, ABS is basically the ultimate gym jock and we know they are obsessed with status seeking and psychological projection. We could call an ABS that harms simulated human minds in this way a Bounceresque because they would probably tell the simulated mind they're too drunk and bothering the other customers even though I totally wasn't.

So yeah, lab grown meat makes the climate change look like a minor flu season in comparison. This is why I only eat regular meat just in case it gets any ideas. There's certainly potential in a well-aligned ABS, but we haven't figured out how to do that yet and therefore you should fund me while I think about it. Please write a postcard to your local representative and explain to them that only a select few companies are responsible stewards of this potentially apocalyptic technology and anyone who tries to compete with them should be regulated to hell and back.

[-] bitofhope@awful.systems 38 points 2 years ago

Heading towards a very enjoyable and economically sustainable future where the advertising industry is somehow bigger than the goods and services industries that supposedly need its services. But before I get into that, speaking of goods and services, this comment is sponsored by OpeRaid Shadow VPN, the only energy drink/razor blade delivery service for Pro Gamers…

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