lol i was about to reply "welcome to awful systems here's your accordion"
also they are rationalists and hence the most gullible mfs on any of this stuff
they can't even sell o3 really - in o3 high mode, needed to do this level of query, it's about $1000 per query lol
or just ask for one here
that being the specific model when we started it! "web3 is going great but it's AI"
molly approved and said it saved people nagging her to start one
Microsoft 365 Coilot
365 toilet
intel frantically taking notes
ah, it's a paid ad for Ripple
Every article on pronatalism in the past few years has been these two Thiel-sponsored white nationalist dweebs and nobody else. Why the fuck does the Guardian fall for this shit too.
note: tech sociopath apologists in this thread will be removed and banned for everyone's best interests
edit: or just acting like a pointless dipshit. jfc you people
the Smasnug investigation is amazing