Robert Evans on Ziz and Rationalism:
Robert Evans on Ziz and Rationalism:
Breaking up with Hitler to date Pinhead
Wait until we get the Strategic Ape Reserve, then you'll see!
Gromit facepalming (facepawing?) could be the techtakes mascot.
Different company, but GPT-5 is basically OT9, innit?
self-dodging bullet
It's crazy how these guys will burn billions of dollars and boil the oceans to speak to their invisible friends, when all you really need is a tea candle and 3 cc of mouse blood.
I use subscription services to get the best letters of the alphabet.
For example, I use WinnrWinnrChicknDinnr to get access to the letter W (upper AND lower case!) for only $69 a month!
No idea why they needed my SSN, but look I'm not some pleb that uses free letters.
Fyre Festival as a Service
Where are the bed sheets?
Also, where are the family photos? Framed art? Kid drawings?
Edit: Cobra Commander and the Baroness at home in a GI-Joe movie directed by Michael Bay circa 2008.
Edit2: Evil Sean Astin
Edit3: I've never seen a three-piece suit with dungarees. It's the mullet of suits: business on the top, party on the bottom.
I'm sorry, I'm being awfully mean and petty on the internet today.
What if the Technocracy Movement fucked NASCAR
What if Nazis but the uniforms are Gildan instead of Hugo Boss
What if fascists were stopped with atomic wedgies instead of atomic bombs
Musk wants to be Team Rocket.