Raw (lemmy.sdf.org)
submitted 39 minutes ago by vext01@lemmy.sdf.org to c/badrealestate@feddit.uk
submitted 42 minutes ago by jeffw@lemmy.world to c/news@lemmy.world

Democrats, Johnson told conservative radio host Hugh Hewitt last week, “move in a herd” and “act like a union” following their leader because there’s no diversity of opinion causing them to stray. Their groupthink could even be described as the behavior of “socialists,” he asserted. Republicans, however, can’t be forced to unite because they’re “rugged individualists.”

That’s one way of putting it. What Johnson didn’t articulate was how a rowdy bunch of flamethrowers on his right flank — roughly 15 lawmakers, many of them members of the vocal Freedom Caucus — has pretty much sabotaged any hope of a conservative legislative agenda this Congress. These hard-liners have refused to compromise on issues ranging from immigration legislation to government spending and foreign aid for Ukraine, and in the process they have yielded power to a bipartisan coalition of lawmakers.

This stubborn adherence to ideological purity is causing the hard-liners to lose leverage in a House where the GOP has just a two-vote majority.

Given the threat looming over Johnson and their inability to compromise, Republicans will probably resort to passing noncontroversial legislation that doesn’t rankle their conference, while also prioritizing possibly cutting federal funds to universities and piecing together an “election integrity” bill that Johnson and former president Donald Trump floated earlier this month. (Voting by undocumented migrants is already illegal in the United States.)

But Congress must reauthorize the Federal Aviation Administration by May 11 and fund the government for the 2025 fiscal year while reauthorizing a farm bill by Sept. 30. Given how the far right’s unrealistic demands to curtail spending plagued the last spending process, it’s unlikely that Republicans can notch aggressively conservative wins this time around.

submitted 1 hour ago by jeffw@lemmy.world to c/news@lemmy.world
submitted 37 minutes ago by jeffw@lemmy.world to c/world@lemmy.world

The carriers sold "real-time location information to data aggregators, allowing this highly sensitive data to wind up in the hands of bail-bond companies, bounty hunters, and other shady actors," FCC Chair Jessica Rosenworcel said in a statement.

"Smartphones are always with us, and as a result these devices know where we are at any given moment," Rosenworcel said. Citing the sensitivity of geolocation data, she added, "In the wrong hands, it can provide those who wish to do us harm the ability to locate us with pinpoint accuracy."

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ich🏥iel (discuss.tchncs.de)

cross-posted from: https://lemmy.world/post/14825640

Arizona state senator indicted in fake electors scheme is tapped for RNC position | CNN Politics


Although the fines were originally proposed when the FCC was controlled by Republicans, the vote to finalize the penalties was 3-2 with dissents from Republicans Brendan Carr and Nathan Simington.

Shows what matters most to them. It certainly isn’t the wellbeing of their constituents.

submitted 1 hour ago by jeffw@lemmy.world to c/politics@lemmy.world
The Have Yachts (lemmy.world)
Chinese numbers (sh.itjust.works)
submitted 18 minutes ago by sjmarf@sh.itjust.works to c/memes@lemmy.ml

To be fair, zero is a complicated number

submitted 49 minutes ago by Vitaly@feddit.uk to c/asklemmy@lemmy.world

Even from people that never lived in a communist state

💤💤 (media.kbin.social)
submitted 55 minutes ago by jeffw@lemmy.world to c/politics@lemmy.world
Grow Together (lazysoci.al)
misskey rule (lemmy.world)
submitted 1 hour ago* (last edited 1 hour ago) by TheCheddarCheese@lemmy.world to c/196

okay but fr what does this even do

submitted 43 minutes ago* (last edited 16 minutes ago) by xploit@lemmy.world to c/idiotsincars@lemmy.world

Managed to hit the concrete barriers on both sides of a 3 lane highway. Luckily didn't hit anyone but traffic was about 3km long an hour later and caused another accident within the traffic jam itself.

Edit:grammar, and obligatory - I took the frame from my partner's video who captured it for me, as I was busy avoiding the debris scattered all over the highway trying not to get a puncture. I don't touch my phone while I drive, and hope you don't either.

submitted 56 minutes ago by jeffw@lemmy.world to c/news@lemmy.world
submitted 1 hour ago by ZippyBot@lemmy.zip to c/apple@lemmy.zip
submitted 16 minutes ago by jeffw@lemmy.world to c/technology@lemmy.world
submitted 1 hour ago by Wilshire@lemmy.world to c/news@lemmy.world
submitted 1 hour ago by Wilshire@lemmy.world to c/news@lemmy.world
Thanks, Grandma! (lemmy.world)
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