[-] ada 26 points 10 hours ago

You don't "confirm" it. It's an attempt to describe a system/outcome. It's a model of a system, not the system itself and no model is perfect, because all models are our attempt to understand and describe things, and there is no such thing as perfect understanding.

However, it's a highly accurate model, that explains things very well. So, either we will find that one day, we make a brand new, better model (this seems unlikely given the accuracy of the current model, but possible). Or, more likely, we continue to come to a better understanding of the system, and improve the model we use to describe it.

[-] ada 3 points 20 hours ago

I used one briefly when I returned to photography, and had existing canon lenses. I took it to Argentina with me, and it did the job, but as soon as we got back, I replaced it with an Olympus/OM body

[-] ada 3 points 2 days ago

Are you mounting a FAT32 disk by any chance?

[-] ada 1 points 2 days ago

When we're done here, I hope no one needs me again for at least a week, because it's going to take at least that long in the shower to get clean! Maybe more!

But wait, was that the bird guy? Maybe he can help! But it sounds like he can only speak bird! Hopefully he understands though, because I have an idea!

"Hey bird man" I yell, between brief moments of air as the robots thighs give me a chance to talk! But finally, it stops moving, and I fall free, with half of the city still attached to me. Taking the chance, I yell "Bird guy, I have an idea. Why don't we..." I shout to his disappearing back, as he jumps off of the end of the pier. And then it hits me, a huge blast of squeaky air.

I've got no chance to avoid it, and no chance to think, but you know what I do have! Mad pinball skills! (Ok, I don't really, but leave that part out of my memoir please). I shrink myself as small as possible, hiding deep in the ball of vomit, lint and hosiery as it lifts in to the air on the wave of sound and air! Now, if I can time this right, and use some of those smashed streetlights and cars, maybe I can use that momentum he's given me, but turn it around right back at him! Surely this ball of gunk will stuff his squeeker up if I can aim it right!

Of course, it would help if I wasn't starting off at high speed in exactly the wrong direction, with little to no experience at pinball.

Action: Try and use the charged ball of lint that I'm wrapped in, and bounce off of lights, cars, and whatever else I can charge to come right back at him!

Reasons I'll succeed: 1) I'm in a super charged ball of lint. 2) The robot has destroyed so many things, there are broken cars, water and downed lamp posts everywhere, giving me plenty of things to bounce off! 3) I REALLY REALLY want this shit off of me. Ok, that's not a real reason I'll succeed, but I really do want it off me!

Raw roll: 3

submitted 2 days ago by ada to c/birding@lemmy.world

Clayfield, Meanjin/Brisbane, Australia - March 2025

#bird #birds #AustralianBirds #ButcherBird #CracticusTorquatus #Cracticus

[-] ada 7 points 2 days ago

Kaity has just done her magic and we're a green tick now!

Test 2 (self.meta)
submitted 2 days ago by ada to c/meta@pridehaven.social


[-] ada 3 points 3 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago)

/OOC - I'll put Wattage Woman's reply here as well, just so the thread is easier to follow for folks after it's all over. /OOC

"I told you I hate this right? I was upfront about that..." I yell to the universe, glad that no one can hear me. Or maybe hoping that no one can hear me...

I try to lift my hand from the robot for a moment, to clear some of the vomit out of my hair, but it's not happening. I'm stuck to this disgusting thing. Have you ever had that thing where you get car sick, and you throw up everywhere, but then you can't get out of the car just yet, because you're on a freeway? Or is that just me? Anyway, this is like that, but worse, because the car is a roller coaster, and the doors are locked! Wait, roller coasters don't have doors, so the car is a roller coaster, and the coaster won't stop. And it's covered in vomit.

My inner monologue is disrupted, as the world suddenly lurches around me, and I find myself smoothered between two rubbery layers. Static sandwich anyone? The foot slides off, and I'm still stuck, but now, the robot is spinning and twirling, and so am I! Bricks, glass, dust, vomit, bird shit and who knows what else is flying around me, but hey, I'm still stuck to the robot, so at least I've got that going for me!

Of course, it would have been nice to have a plan for what comes next. But, that's a problem for future Wattage Woman. For now though... What happens to a squeaky toy if I clog up the squeaker and it can't squeak anymore? Would that work? Maybe there are some giant dogs around that could come and chew this thing up? Though on second thought, maybe we skip the big dog. That sounds like a bad idea. We'll go with the "clog the squeaker" plan

Though now that I think about it, I don't actually know where the squeaker is on this thing? Is it the head? It's the butt isn't it? It's going to be the butt isn't it? Well, I guess at least that's closer than the head...

Action: I start inch worming my way up the robots leg, towards the butt, hoping to see and reach the squeaker, looking something like a vomit covered caterpillar

Reasons it will succeed: Static woman, rubber robot.


[-] ada 3 points 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago)

Australians love to turn our birds in to pie! Pied Stilts, Pied Currawongs, Pied Oystercatchers, Pied Butcherbirds, Pied Herons, Pied Cormorants, LIttle PIed Cormorants... So much pied bird!

submitted 3 days ago by ada to c/birding@lemmy.world

Kedron Brook Wetlands Reserve, Australia - March 2025

[-] ada 3 points 4 days ago* (last edited 4 days ago)

"Great start to the day. Squeaky is out with his toys again, and of course, they're still made of rubber! It's not enough that he doesn't use battery powered toys, his super power has to be to make toys basically immune to electricity! Honestly, it feels like the universe is playing with me! There's sparking power cables, but where does that get me? Yeah, you know it, I know it. It ends with me stuck to the side of a giant squeaky toy. Static is a bitch! Things are so bad, I'm even talking to myself! Squeeky couldn't even send a hench man I could banter with, instead, I'm talking to myself, whilst a big robot (A robot of all things, but a rubber one!) lumbers around, not understanding a word I'm saying.

Fine... Fine... I'll climb the damned robot..."

I run over to the sparking cables and grab hold. My hair instantly stands on end, and I swear, realising I've forgot to pull down my goggles again, so I'm half blinded by my own glare. I pull the goggles down, and dart amongst the cars, sucking up from their batteries as I go, trying to dodge stray bullets from the cop I saw earlier. I think to myself, for the 100th time, this would be so much easier if I could actually zap people or something with all of this charge, but nope, spiky haired human cling wrap is the peak! For that matter, this would be so much easier if I wasn't own my own! Hey, but at least no one is going to see me retching, stuck to a giant rubber robots backside!

Waiting until the robot steps past me, I climb up on a car roof and jump, pushing myself towards the robot, hoping that I stick, but hoping I don't as well. I hate this part so much! But this is going to work right? A quick pulse of power in to the car I'm standing on to give me a bit of repulsive push, and a rubber toy almost designed to attract static charge! What could go wrong? And if I only had a clue of what I'm going to do once I'm stuck to the robot. Well, aside from throwing up!

Reasons I'm going to succeed: Rubber toy, static woman. Bonus boost the car battery

Alas, I can't post a link to my roll because the URL is so long, it breaks the lemmy character limit!


Edit - I have saved the URL if you have a way for me to get it to you.

And here's a screenshot of the roll

[-] ada 6 points 4 days ago* (last edited 4 days ago)

What weird power do you have that nobody else can do?

I can drain the electrical charge from any battery and transfer it to another. Car battery? Zapped into a AA. AA? Exploding with enough juice to power a small city block for a minute. I can also absorb electrical attacks, but I really prefer not to!

What is your biggest fear?

Static cling. Seriously, the thought of being stuck to someone or something because of rogue electrons sends shivers down my spine. And it happens more often than I would like, especially when people start throwing lightning around!

What crippling flaw do you have?

I have absolutely no sense of direction. Like, at all. I can be standing right in front of the Eiffel Tower and still ask for directions to Paris. This often leads to me showing up at the wrong battles, or accidentally supercharging the enemy's getaway vehicle. I can't even use a compass, or GPS, because my static screws up the signal!

What do people call you?

Most people call me Wattage Woman, but my mom calls me "Sparky". The Big Squeeker (and most villians to be fair) like to call me "Short Circuit." If only he used battery powered toys, instead of chew toys, I'd show him!

What do you look like?

I sport a bright yellow and black spandex suit with lightning bolt accents that are slightly off-center because I sewed them myself. Think "walking caution tape". My bright pink hair is perpetually standing on end due to all the stray electricity, and I wear oversized, bright green goggles to protect my eyes from the glare of my own powers. I'm about 5'8", with a surprisingly muscular build for someone who mostly fights household appliances.

[-] ada 12 points 5 days ago

All I can do with remote accounts is block them from this instance. That will also block them from communities based on this instance. You'd need to talk to the admins of the instance hosting the account for anything more.

[-] ada 25 points 6 days ago

I've been building and nurturing communities online and offline for decades now. So when Kaity and I were creating the guidelines for this instance, I knew upfront that there would be guidelines, not rules. And that reason for that is because the rules aren't the source of truth on what's acceptable and what isn't. Rules are attempt to codify and communicate what is acceptable, but they get treated as if they are what is acceptable.

If I had a situation where someone needed to be removed from the community, but they technically weren't breaking the rules, then the rules are the problem. They don't get to stay just because the rules didn't capture that specific scenario. But changing rules brings about confusion and contention, because people think it means what is acceptable has changed, when in reality, they just had a mistaken understanding of what is acceptable, because the rules were centered as the source of truth.

It also creates a lot more work on moderators and volunteers, because they have to turn in to mini lawyers, and their actions become shaped by the rules, again, giving the rules first place in what is ok and what isn't, when they should never be that, because they never can be that. Rules are always imperfect.

And so, guidelines. Guidelines get to the heart of it, because they don't attempt to define every scenario that is and isn't acceptable. Instead, what they do is let people know the lens through which decisions about moderation are made. I acknowledge that that means some level of ambiguity. However, there is ambiguity with rules too, we just pretend/forget that there isn't. But with guidelines, it's easy to address the ambiguous scenarios and uncommon cases, because the guidelines for dealing with them are simple.

submitted 2 weeks ago by ada to c/birding@lemmy.world

Tiritiri Matangi, Aotearoa/New Zealand - February 2025

submitted 2 weeks ago by ada to c/photography@lemmy.ml
submitted 2 weeks ago by ada to c/birding@lemmy.world
Did someone say ducks? (lemmy.blahaj.zone)
submitted 2 weeks ago by ada to c/photography@lemmy.ml

Mods are asleep, post ducks!

But to keep it on topic, this is a female Rosy-billed Pochard in Buenos Aires. Taken with a Canon R50, which I used for a brief moment before returning to Olympus/OM systems

submitted 2 weeks ago by ada to c/birding@lemmy.world

More fishing practice!

#gull #seagull #picton #bird #aotearoa #NewZealand

submitted 3 weeks ago by ada to c/brisbane@aussie.zone

It's less then 24 hours before Tropical Cyclone Alfred hits. The sun is out, the wind is calm and it's a beautiful day.

submitted 4 weeks ago by ada to c/gullfriends@lemmings.world

Cross-posted from "Kelp Gull (Larus dominicanus)" by @ada@lemmy.blahaj.zone in !birding@lemmy.world

This girl was screaming the whole way as she came in for landing, and she gave me a beautiful reflection as she did!

Zealandia, Wellington, Aotearoa/New Zealand - February 2025

#bird #gull #KelpGull #Zealandia #reflection #Aotearoa #NewZealand #Larus #LarusDominicanus

submitted 4 weeks ago by ada to c/birding@lemmy.world

This girl was screaming the whole way as she came in for landing, and she gave me a beautiful reflection as she did!

Zealandia, Wellington, Aotearoa/New Zealand - February 2025

#bird #gull #KelpGull #Zealandia #reflection #Aotearoa #NewZealand #Larus #LarusDominicanus

submitted 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago) by ada to c/main

For those of you who don't know, the Blahaj Zone admin team runs a matrix space for gender diverse folk. Similar to lemmy, it's designed with a few "official" channels, but is otherwise a community curated space, with channels run by our members. You don't have to be a blahaj zone user to join.

If you're already a matrix user, you can head straight to our application room https://matrix.to/#/#gv-apply:chat.blahaj.zone, or by searching for #gv-apply:chat.blahaj.zone from within your matrix client.

If you're new to matrix, you can find some more details and an instruction video on how to get up and running here https://chat.blahaj.zone/c/genderverse/

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joined 2 years ago