It was her concession speech though.
Unfortunately this is more than any christian abusing their religion as a vessel of hatred is ever willing to read. I'm not religious but I've met way more christians who do understand this and were some of the most supportive people in my life than the bad kind. In the end I believe it's just a matter of education and religion is usually the excuse but not the cause for transphobia.
I love the idea of it but I have to agree, it's just less repairable and causes even more e-waste. Smartphone advancement is at a point where we could easily be using the same device for at least 8 years, but not if they come with planned obsolescence as a feature.
NB being anti non-binary is like some sick joke, you had one job.
Students under 16 who are questioning their gender identity must get their parents' consent before teachers can use their preferred first names or pronouns at school.
That is a great alternative to, I'll also feel less bad about accidentally hitting a real email.
WhatsApp does use that same Signal protocol for its messages but that's very poor writing considering all the tracked metadata arguably makes it just as insecure as Telegram.
Such a lazy bunch, they could've worked 500 million times as hard.
Set up a Matrix space, bridge the channels to Discord. Everyone wins.
(But don't use IM outside of its useful scope regardless)
Until they retroactively add a launcher like BioShock 1, 2007 game getting a launcher added in 2023. Luckily that one's not DRM and can be circumvented, ~~unlike Monster Hunter World getting DRM 6 years after release breaking it on some platforms.~~ Seems like only Monster Hunter Rise got the new DRM that broke Steam Deck support for a few days.
I thought so until I saw your comment.
Just in awe at what a relic of a screenshot this is. Based on the UI this has to be 8 years old but there are no compression artifacts whatsoever.
Es ist ein Kindergarten, das wurde mir spätestens bei diesem Kommentar bei der Tagesschau klar. Den einzigen sachlichen Inhalt den der Autor bringt ist die Berufung auf vorherige vorgezogene Neuwahlen, die innerhalb von 81 Tagen zu statten gingen. Mich freut, dass er rechnen kann, allerdings waren zwei davon nicht während einer Urlaubszeit, und die dritte von Ende Dezember auf März.