[-] cro_magnon_gilf@sopuli.xyz 22 points 5 months ago

Considering what the international standard for that is... holy shit

[-] cro_magnon_gilf@sopuli.xyz 30 points 5 months ago

If you care about Ukraine, you should start taking this more seriously. Outside of your echo-chamber, Russia has proved resilient to sanctions and their ability to manifacture vital military goods in some crucial areas outpace the west, and by far outpace what is avaliable to Ukraine.

The much hoped for ukrainian counteroffensive yeilded nothing, and instead Russia is slowly gaining ground, allthewhile expanding its army with new, fresh units and learning to work with or around their shortcomings. Ukraine doesn't have anything to put its hope to other than simple endurance. And that's something that Russia has always had a lot of. The outlook is grim.

Ukraine needs support

[-] cro_magnon_gilf@sopuli.xyz 16 points 6 months ago

If people want a national defense they should pay for one. Not force 18 year old guys to be slave soldiers as a cheaper alternative.

[-] cro_magnon_gilf@sopuli.xyz 26 points 7 months ago

She isn't the same person who broke the internet in the IT crowd though

[-] cro_magnon_gilf@sopuli.xyz 16 points 7 months ago

PC-pissing contest for 30-somethings. It's a trend.

[-] cro_magnon_gilf@sopuli.xyz 15 points 7 months ago

The punishment if caught will be a spanking

[-] cro_magnon_gilf@sopuli.xyz 17 points 9 months ago

Actually, that sounds like it's made up


Synd att se, men fortfarande högt.


Titel löst baserad på artikelns framställning


Aningen kaotisk artikel

boardgameme.png (sopuli.xyz)
submitted 10 months ago by cro_magnon_gilf@sopuli.xyz to c/memes@lemmy.ml
[-] cro_magnon_gilf@sopuli.xyz 19 points 10 months ago

Correct response:

"Haha good one"

submitted 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago) by cro_magnon_gilf@sopuli.xyz to c/sweden@lemmy.world


Bilden kommer från rapporten Vården ur befolkningens perspektiv 2020 av Myndigheten för vård- och omsorgsanalys

Det verkar som att det händer ganska ofta att läkare "glömmer" att skicka remisser till psykolog, specifikt för män. Jag känner personligen till flera fall. I kontrast till detta så har i princip varenda kvinna jag känner varit hos psykolog och dessutom fått någon form av psykmedicin.

Folkhälsomyndighetens siffror visar en enorm skillnad i utskrivning av anti-depp: https://i.imgur.com/uBMpMUd.png

Psykisk hälsa och suicid i Sverige – Statistik om nuläge och utveckling fram till 2022

Men en mycket mindre skillnad i antal människor som gjort besök i psykiatrin: https://i.imgur.com/9BDUcsl.png

Psykisk hälsa och suicid i Sverige – Statistik om nuläge och utveckling fram till 2022

Självklart så är vårdbehovet också väldigt olika mellan män och kvinnor, speciellt i yngre år, men detta är en diskussion i sig och jag vill inte spamma ut varenda bild från rapporten.

Jag skulle egentligen vilja veta mer och kommer att försöka undersöka hur könsskillnaderna i vården ser ut. Ni får jättegärna dela med er av era erfarenheter i kommentarerna om ni någon gång sökt psykvård genom landsting/region.

Det finns som vanligt, tack vare vår fantastiska tryckfrihetsförordning, rätt mycket offentlig information att ta del av. Men regionernas rapporter nämner ogärna kön i sin statistik, av någon anledning.

[-] cro_magnon_gilf@sopuli.xyz 16 points 10 months ago

Perfection. I hope the creator is alright lol

[-] cro_magnon_gilf@sopuli.xyz 15 points 10 months ago

The post is on the front page


Let's talk about safe sex in Europe. It's quite the big legal subject, but one needn't get into all the details.

I'll start with mine: Sweden

Fatherhood carries the responsibility for the childs livelihood, same as motherhood. A father who doesn't live in the same household as his child and/or isn't legal guardian will have to pay money to the child (or usually mother) until they are 18 or 21, depending on if they are still going to school. If the father does not pay, the government will pay instead, and then collect the money from him.

  • If a married woman is pregnant, the husband is legally the father. It doesn't matter if somebody else knocked her up. If a married man wants to challenge his fatherhood of a child, he will in practice need the cooperation of the actual father to prove that he isn't.

  • If an unmarried woman is pregnant, a man can sign up for fatherhood. If a man doesn't, social services will have to examine who the father is. This can be done through various methods and if they fail to ascertain who the father is, but the pregnant woman says who it is, it will be taken to court. In court, as far as I know, the burden of proof is nearly non-existant.

In all cases, if a man is legally determined to be the father of a child, but disputes this, or suspects he isn't, he will need the actual father to help determine that he isn't.

What's it like in your country?

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