[-] Triasha 2 points 1 year ago

This is so hard.

First, it's OK to distance yourself from "I love you, but I can't support what you are doing."

My mother was devastated when I came out. But after seeing that I was serious about transition and she could either get on the boat or be left behind, she decided that she should offer some help with clothes and dressing nice. She introduced me as her daughter these days. She hasn't said anything shitty in over half a decade.

Second isolation is ok for safety, but not a long term strategy. Be nice to people, ask for help when you can, and you should meet women that will help you. Seek out queer spaces and navigate them as best you can. A trans woman taught me 95% of everything I know about makeup. My wife taught me nails when we started dating.

I'm sorry you are being hurt. It's not fair and you don't deserve it. Feel free to pm me if you ever want to chat, or vent, or share your stories. I love yo tell my own.

[-] Triasha 3 points 2 years ago

My day is going well enough. Reading a trippy horror novel, House of Leaves. Looking forward to the weekend tomorrow. I am starting a new roleplay group. Wish me luck.

[-] Triasha 2 points 2 years ago

I met my wife on OK cupid.

I have been carfished, frustrated with ghosting, or just no responses, but ultimately, I can't complain. Thanks OKcupid.

[-] Triasha 2 points 2 years ago

Indeed it is. I wasn't sure about work from home, but I really like it.

[-] Triasha 2 points 2 years ago

Thanks! I will do that.

[-] Triasha 2 points 2 years ago

Pajama bottoms and a T shirt, same things I wear every workday.

Glasses, my wedding ring, and a ring my wife gave me, and a ring my mother in law gave me.

[-] Triasha 3 points 2 years ago

My mother cried, tried to deny I was trans.

I was pretty shook. We didn't talk about it for a long time.

I realized, eventually, that in her career in the emergency room, she has met a bunch of trans women that were not at their best. Women who were in pain, addicted, off their hormones, injured by pimps or transphobic attacks.

She cried because she didn't want that for me. She hadn't met the women I had. The activists, artists, lawyers, and veterans that were so strong and proud and inspiring.

She only knew trans people experiencing the worst times in their lives. When they were at their sickest, their lowest, and their darkest mental state.

I moved forward with transition without her blessing. I found providers and began HRT. I changed my name and eventually, she came to understand it was real. Through it all, she insisted that she would always love me, and she found ways to express her love with actions as well as words. Now she introduced me as her daughter and has told me that if I need to move to a different state or even a different country, she will help me.

So the story has a happy ending. I do love my mother. I never stopped. And I am thankful she has come to affirm me as her daughter.

She and my dad separated when I was in high school. I barely speak to him, but he was totally cool with my transition, a pleasant surprise.

[-] Triasha 3 points 2 years ago

Ah, seems a small price to pay, but I could be wrong.

[-] Triasha 2 points 2 years ago


What does that stand for?

[-] Triasha 2 points 2 years ago

Feels a lot like the first week of a new reddit sub, and a little like reddit when I first joined in 2009.

I hope it keeps the good parts without the garbage.

[-] Triasha 2 points 2 years ago

You got this.

[-] Triasha 3 points 2 years ago

I tend to figure out a few things.

  1. What are the themes of the campaign? My current campaign will start with themes of mystery, discovery, and hidden dangers.

  2. Who are the main NPCs? Villains and side characters, what do they want? What can they do?

  3. What will happen regardless of the player's actions? (They will be attacked, the army will show up, this NPC will be killed off screen, this NPC will harass this player about something they aren't doing. Etc etc)

This usually gives enough for a session. 1 and 2 set the conflict, 3 moves the plot of the players don't.

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