It’s a scary time to a leggionaire. I fear the empire is crumbling.
I’m in a wheelchair. And it feels so dehumanising. Because everyone makes an extra effort to never stare at me. I guess they learnt as kids you don’t stare at disabled people, but it feels like the lesson they internalised is you never look at disabled people. So no one ever looks at me except people I’m talking too. It makes me feel quite invisible.
Except kids. They always stare so mu h. It’s kinda weird.
Maybe people can be corrupted. But I think it’s selection biases. If you’re the type of person to fuck people over to earn money (big buisness) or to seek power above others (politics), maybe you were corrupted in the first place? I mean it’s hard to make it in either of those without doing a lot of morally questionable stuff.
In a couple of districts the greens have decent chances.
And at this point, the lib dems are actually further left than labour. I mean read their manifesto for last election, it’s far better than labour’s which is indeed basically tory lite.
Yeah I don’t get it.
The current government doesn’t even seem popular among the MPs that elected it.
Stylé. Je connaisais pas mais ça à l’air bien plus écolo. Je vais acheter pour tenter.
They suck.
Coops tend to be far better.
According to the first article that popped up in the search results the most likely theory is portugese traders brought them over from madagascar.
I proudly still use a super specialised old school online forum and it works great for those purposes.
This! Most punks are from leftist countercultures. Let’s keep it that way.
(They are also trying to steal “anarchism” with their whole “anarcho-capitalism” BS)
France: OuiOui, Barbapapas
Netherlands: Miffy
Switzerland: Titeuf