[-] EmptySlime 9 points 2 months ago

That's what I do. I've got absolutely nothing against probably most of the people I've blocked. Just at a certain point if I see the same account over and over posting stuff I don't really vibe with I'll block them and just let the ones that do enjoy that stuff have at it.

Side note: I especially love the ones that will like rage comment in places like YT/TikTok on "woke" stuff for example then cry that the algorithm keeps showing them more like it. Like... My Brother in Christ, you made the sandwich.

[-] EmptySlime 9 points 3 months ago

Unfortunately it probably won't end up meaning much for a lot of what they have planned for us due to the Supremacy Clause and the way things like FDA approval work. But codifying those protections into the State Constitution does give us at least grounds for resistance on some things here in NY.

I'm glad it passed, that amendment was basically the only reason I voted here in NY. But I don't think it's going to matter when they outlaw HRT or whatever else it is they plan to do.

[-] EmptySlime 9 points 5 months ago

Diversity only makes the Dad Force stronger.

[-] EmptySlime 9 points 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago)

Joke's on you, I'm with both of them! Go Woke, go Broke? More like, "Go Woke because broke" right? R-right?

[-] EmptySlime 9 points 7 months ago

My partner hates when I open bananas like this because there's a little dark part of the banana under that end of the peel that she calls "The Ban-anus" and thinks it's gross even if I pick off that part and don't eat it.

[-] EmptySlime 9 points 8 months ago

Last I knew, yeah. Google bought them years ago. Moreover, I don't remember that "feature" being in Waze before Google acquired them. Those ads were the biggest reason I dropped Waze a while back.

[-] EmptySlime 9 points 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago)

Yeah that doesn't surprise me at all. This has been his M.O. right along.

  1. Rule the most egregious shit that pretty much anyone can see where it leads.
  2. Call the opposition hysterical when they point out the logical conclusion of his ideas.
  3. Pretend to be shocked when the opposition is proved right if he acknowledges it at all.

But hey, just calling Balls and Strikes guys. Nothing to see here.

[-] EmptySlime 9 points 10 months ago

Between my ADHD and the amount of different places we go for groceries I can never remember well enough where anything is to get mad about them changing it. My wife though has finally gotten to the point where the music they play on the radio in the grocery stores is actually getting good which was her sign she's getting old.

[-] EmptySlime 8 points 11 months ago

I'd think it depends on if the same player cried for 2 different reasons or not. If they cried for the same thing it could be seen as cheating because you already knew what would make them cry.

[-] EmptySlime 9 points 11 months ago

A boat for personal use and a boat for trade use are two very different things.

[-] EmptySlime 9 points 1 year ago

I was specifically trying to get all the achievements in it in 1 run because I had borrowed it for just a weekend from a buddy of mine at my college. I got to the final boss and just unloaded everything. Fight ended in like 30 seconds.

I told him to check my achievements when I gave it back to him. I get a random Xbox live voice message of him just screaming "WHAT AAAAARE YOU!?" 10/10 would torture myself again.

[-] EmptySlime 8 points 2 years ago

It's toxic AF. Years ago when I was finally first starting to figure out that I was non-binary I tried to join a few online spaces to talk to people. The amount of places I was outright banned from or just made to feel I was clearly not welcome because I'm AMAB and was not on or planning to start HRT and my very existence was "triggering" to people there already was insane. And then there was the seemingly neverending parade of trans women who saw me as just an egg in need of cracking because of course they knew my gender better that I could possibly have and I'd be so much happier once I let go of all that internalized misogyny that was obviously the only thing keeping me from being an out and proud trans woman.

Never had anyone do that to me IRL. Even looking like the dudeliest Dad this side of a barbecue and the literal textbook definition of a Bear.

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