[-] EmptySlime 17 points 3 hours ago

Probably, but there's likely to be a lot of infighting about which one of them would take over.

[-] EmptySlime 8 points 1 day ago

As a nonbinary person myself I feel it's none of my business what configuration of self another individual needs to feel "right" inside. I can also understand the impulse even from other trans people to think that one might be being disingenuous. It wasn't that long ago that my identity was the one "making fun of trans people" for just wanting to exist in a way that makes me happy.

The problem is that even if the "most extreme" identities that bigots are using to justify their hate didn't exist it's not like the hate will actually stop. They'll just start lying about the next "most fringe" identity.

[-] EmptySlime 9 points 1 day ago

You're not wrong. The Democratic strategy for the past what? 35 years now has been to constantly engage in "hippie punching" to try to seem more reasonable to so-called "moderates" by criticizing the Far Left™. So in a sense one could say that the left has been stuck in an abusive relationship for a long time.

[-] EmptySlime 115 points 5 days ago

Yes that's one of the actual pictures from the indictment they brought against him. He apparently had like 300 different documents of varying levels of classified status. There's a couple more iirc of different places like a bedroom and a ballroom stage too. Basically it seems like he had his goons just hide anything he could get his hands on in random boxes of what were supposed to be just irrelevant personal effects

He was only indicted specifically for like 30 of them but my understanding is they specifically chose ones they were willing to have potentially entirely exposed.

[-] EmptySlime 69 points 6 months ago

I've gotten tricked out of so many things by those blasted Fae. My gender, my sexual attraction, my attention, and precisely 1 (one) of my pronouns.

Now I go by He/They because I can never be Him.

[-] EmptySlime 65 points 6 months ago

Vance really is just an early oughts 4chan addict isn't he?

[-] EmptySlime 65 points 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago)

Of course. It's not political if it's just The Way Things Should Be™

  • The two Races: White and Political
  • The two Genders: Male and Political
  • The two Sexualities: Straight and Political

Their views are never "political" because theirs is the "natural state" of things. They're on top because they deserve to be, and they deserve to be on top because they are. It's anything that deviates from that so-called natural state that's being political.

[-] EmptySlime 95 points 8 months ago

Oh my God that comment about being bullied by him for being feminine. I felt that in my fucking soul. I got that shit so much from my father when I was younger. About the stupidest shit too.

I had this baby doll that I apparently loved when I was little. I was too young to remember having it, but when my brother was a baby apparently I'd follow my mom around with it and while she took care of my brother if she was doing something that I couldn't help with I'd take care of my baby doll.

He hated this fucking doll with a passion. Didn't want me to have it because he was convinced I'd grow up to be gay if I had it. Only the word he used was worse. He ended up jumping at the chance to give the doll away to a family they were acquainted with lost their house in a fire and their daughter had no toys left because he could get away with it then. But his hate for this fucking doll was crazy. Like it was impossible for me to become a parent one day and gasp take care of my own child.

[-] EmptySlime 78 points 8 months ago

I'm so oblivious that I wouldn't even get to the step of overanalyzing the lyrics. I would have just thought "Oh they think I'd like this song? Let's check it out," and that's it.

I'm so oblivious that multiple times my partner tried to initiate sex by trying to make out and get handsy with me and I completely missed it. If it's not explicit "You. Me. Bed. Now," level direct then like 95% of the time I miss it.

One day my partner got so frustrated with my obliviousness that she asked me flat out if I was asexual or something. I had no idea what that was but turns out yes, yes I am.

Funniest thing to me though. When it's directed at me, then I'm totally oblivious. But if my partner sees an attractive woman out and about and starts visibly thirsting even a little I can tell immediately.

[-] EmptySlime 73 points 1 year ago

Way too many of these chucklefucks just want to LARP as pure and radical revolutionaries. My wife and I are disabled and live on a fixed income of her disability payments and the SNAP program. If this "revolution" they want so bad does come, then we're among the most likely to just fucking starve in the disruption. I'm also one of the people the GOP declared they want to "Eradicate from Public Life" with Project 2025.

Now, I'm not much of a Genocide Enjoyer. I think it's one of the worst things you can do in fact. But I also don't take too kindly to being effectively told that I specifically should just die because these wannabe revolutionaries refuse to entertain a world where we both vote for Biden to keep Trump from destroying democracy more than the GOP already has (harm reduction), AND engage in direct action to push Biden away from blindly supporting Israel.

[-] EmptySlime 63 points 1 year ago

One time I was dealing with a really bad migraine while I was running register at Walmart. I was barely functioning and could barely stand up straight. This lady comes through my line starting out all compassionate until she suggests that she lead me in a prayer that Jesus might heal me. I try to politely decline because I'd rather not hold up the line forming behind her. Well, also because I'm atheist but I had been in customer service for years at that point and knew better than to bring that tidbit up.

This lady starts into the most hate fueled tirade I've ever heard. Talking about how I'm a heathen, my migraine was a punishment directly from God, I deserve every second of my suffering, and calling me everything but a child of God. All because I tried to politely decline a performative prayer from her because there were now 3 people in line behind her. Like 20 minutes later I got taken out in an ambulance because I fainted from the pain trying to stand up after using the bathroom on my break.

Another guy tried to get me to discount his entire order because he supposedly knew the guy that owned the contacting company that built the store. Try to tell him that I don't have the ability to do that and he'd have to talk to a manager. He gets right up in my face and starts yelling about how no one else ever had a problem with it and how with one phone call he could make it so I would never be able to work at Walmart again. Along with several threats to my person. If I never set foot behind a cash register again it'll be too soon.

[-] EmptySlime 74 points 2 years ago

Yes, he stopped the train strike. He then worked with the rail unions for weeks negotiating with the bosses and now the rail workers have the sick days that was one of the big drivers of them going on strike for. Here's the statement straight from the IBEW.

They literally thank Biden's administration directly for applying pressure in the weeks after blocking the strike that eventually led to the union getting what it was asking for. I'm no big fan of Biden's, but trying to paint him as anti labor especially using him blocking the rail strike is just patently untrue. With everything that's been happening around Biden's NLRB under Lina Khan he is easily the most pro worker president we've had in decades.

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