Can’t stand it when they do that
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Between my ADHD and the amount of different places we go for groceries I can never remember well enough where anything is to get mad about them changing it. My wife though has finally gotten to the point where the music they play on the radio in the grocery stores is actually getting good which was her sign she's getting old.
Yeah if grocery stores had played The Cure and The Smiths back in the 1980s it wouldve blown my mind. But they sure are playing it now. Grocery stores seem like 2-4 decades behind in music selection. or maybe it's just that '80s music was the last time good music was generated through the music industry, and that's why grocery stores stick with it, 80s music. But I hope for the sake of the peace of mind of future generations 20-40 years from now grocery stores aren't playing whatever bizarre noises the current "music industry" has been generating lately