They need to release one new song, it would be appropriate. Don't let the fascists win.
Canada also needs to encourage interprovincial trade, and continue the diversification of trade partners besides our neighbours to the South.
What else is new with these clowns?
They are the ones who have the most ability to hold ORAGNE accountable. Keep the pressure on your Democrat representatives to DO THEIR FUCKING JOB! Signed, a concerned Canadian.
I wonder how much milk Bob went out to buy?
They need to be chokeslammed to the wall at every turn. Otherwise they win.
Either your username is meta, or you need the Billy Goats Gruff to bring some clarity to your life under the bridge.
They wish to drive away the people who wish to speak the truth. I created an account here yesterday to hedge against Reddit becoming even more of a cesspool.
It's a shame that my sarcastic comment might have to be taken seriously in 2025, depending on what ORAGNE does.
China is quickly becoming the spiritual successors to the US. What it means for the world? Not anything great at this point.
Then Americans of conscience need to change that.