Canada also needs to encourage interprovincial trade, and continue the diversification of trade partners besides our neighbours to the South.
What else is new with these clowns?
They are the ones who have the most ability to hold ORAGNE accountable. Keep the pressure on your Democrat representatives to DO THEIR FUCKING JOB! Signed, a concerned Canadian.
I wonder how much milk Bob went out to buy?
They need to be chokeslammed to the wall at every turn. Otherwise they win.
Who said I wasn't paying attention? Who said the speed of time was defined by the span of one human life?
It is quick in terms of the lives of nations. I say quick in terms of a perspective of decades vs. centuries.
Either your username is meta, or you need the Billy Goats Gruff to bring some clarity to your life under the bridge.
China is quickly becoming the spiritual successors to the US. What it means for the world? Not anything great at this point.
Maybe the boomers need to stop working and die, so the better paying jobs and wealth can come to the younger generations.
It's almost like attempting to enforce policy without nuance can have drastic consequences.
This is the real poison.