Your signature is actually legible?
Me every time I try to write a song
You’re telling me I have 22 years to get WORSE???
Quality of life is definitely exponentially better than it was at that time. However, while we may not face the same physical turmoils, I believe the mental turmoil is much, much greater in the modern day. We do not have nearly as much concern for physical health, but mental health has hit the floor. I don’t know that the general human condition is necessarily “better” or “worse”, just different
Idgaf what anyone says, that mf is a hero
“I’m voting for the party that doesn’t actively want to kill me”
“Pfft, classic shitlib take”
I’m tired, boss
Fuck that. Fuck you. Fuck milk drinkers. Oh, you want milkies? Oh, you wanna suck titty juice like a baby? You gonna cry? Gonna piss your pants? Maybe shit and cum?
I’ll be here drinking apple juice with my chicken nuggies and mac and cheese like a REAL big kid
Any time someone uses the terms “alpha”, “beta”, or “sigma” unironically when referring to a person, I immediately write them off as a braindead waste of oxygen.
I’m not even religious, and I’m praying tiktok finally gets banned.
Yeah, I came with my grandma, and you came with your crew/
But really, you’re just pissed that she’s cooler than you/
Cause she’s got 80 years of being a badass bitch/
And you got 25 of being a punk-ass snitch/
How tf would they even enforce this?
“Are you traveling to get an abortion?” “No, I’m going to visit family”
How would they prove otherwise? Is there something I’m missing?
Some of y’all really need to figure out the difference between punishment and rehabilitation…
And which one actually works.
Stop stroking your hate boners and start advocating for real solutions. You don’t fix pain with more pain. All that does is exacerbate the cycle.