~mhmm~ ~mhmm~
~sip~ ~sip~ ~sip~ ~sip~
~mhmm~ ~mhmm~
~sip~ ~sip~ ~sip~ ~sip~
Sure, I’ll try it, and offer one to the nearest biggest homophobe I can find, just to watch the fireworks while drinking the beer I offered them.
Not much of a beer drinker but why wouldn't I?
Why limit yourself to only one sip?
You can always trust a guy who says it’s just the sip.
"Gah! What's that!?" "It's the new norm." "I'm the old Norm. I want normal beer"
I’ve had this beer before! It ain’t bad.
Pfft, thats nothing. Ive seen this on a shelf:
I used to start my day with Gay, but now I savor my Gay in the evenings.
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