[-] teije9 33 points 2 months ago

into the toilet???

also, why not toilet paper instead of tissues??

[-] teije9 25 points 2 months ago

use matrix with the whatsapp bridge

[-] teije9 79 points 2 months ago

controversial opinion: distro/software wars are good, because they make people discuss about their software, which motivates the developers. you don't see windows software wars, because they can't choose their de

[-] teije9 22 points 2 months ago

ngl, typing paru/yay [description of repo] is faster than downloading and installing the repo. even if you install it with git, you still need to know the git link.

yes. arch is some effort to configure and get working properly, but once it works it's so nice

(well, it was for me. I respect you if you have your own opinion and distro preferences)

[-] teije9 29 points 2 months ago

a girl, asuka, is in the hospital. shinji is visiting and shakes her while crying 'wake up wake up' this shaking makes her vest unzip...

shinji, who is incredibly mentally ill, traumatised, and depressed responds to this by whipping his dick out and jerking off

fun fact: the maker of the manga said he was uncomfortable with drawing a scene where shinji and another guy, kaworu kissed, but never said anything about this scene

[-] teije9 23 points 2 months ago

'feminine species' 😭😭😭

[-] teije9 19 points 2 months ago

in the Netherlands we have a guy named Saint Nicholas that gave money to prostitudes and other poor people to save them, who then decided to join him. The best translation for their names i have is 'squires' but not really. Because they go down our chimneys to deliver gifts it's tradition for them to have ash on their face, which some are calling blackface.

[-] teije9 26 points 2 months ago

so because theres already a genocide no other genocides can exist? Yes, the Palestina genocide is bad, but that doesn't mean posting about any other genocide is hate towards Palestinians.

[-] teije9 26 points 2 months ago

the water you drink probably has been in Hitlers mouth and probably contains dinosaur piss. do you care about that?

I used to wash the dishes, at least in Europe it's standard to put all cutlery into 2 dishwashers and after that polish them with a very fine cloth. probably also in the us. (unless you don't tip of course)

[-] teije9 25 points 2 months ago

he was a right winger

[-] teije9 36 points 2 months ago

but replacing the battery doesn't mean you get to have a tablet with replaceable batteries

[-] teije9 45 points 2 months ago

I once saw a pigeon swallow a giant fish that was being fed to a seal, and after eating it it literally couldn't fly anymore

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