This would be much worse than COVID. Bird flu is far more deadly.
In response to an emailed series of questions, a spokesperson for the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) said the agency still deems the risk to human health for the general public to be low.
For how much longer can we trust their pronouncements? All the US government departments are under the control of compulsively lying anti-science Nazis.
We serve as human resources for the rest of the federal agencies, but unlike HR at a private company—where HR really works for your boss and not for you—our agency actually does work for the American people and the public servants who serve them.
And there's why Republicans hate you and want to undermine you: they don't believe any resources should be wasted on the American people. The people are only there to be fleeced to further enrich billionaires.
Why is dictating gender the government's business? Where are all the Republicans who always objected to the government intruding into people's lives? Was it all bullshit from all of them? Was there not a single Republican for whom this was more than a veiled demand that they be allowed to be a bigot and an asshole?
And where are the protests over this? Think how tough transgender people have it, and how much tougher the Nazi government is making it for them. Think how this is denying people basic rights. There should be mass protests in support of transgender rights. There's so much irrational hatred and cruelty. All of us who can see the inhumanity should be doing something, even some little thing, to help trans people and obstruct this program of cruelty designed to drive people to despair.
He should use more. Parts of his brain are still encouraging him to move around and do harmful things. He needs to be more comatose.
Their holy grail is to be able to kill you because they don't like the look of you, and be rewarded for it.
I don't think kompromat is necessary. These are power-hungry and attention-hungry people. They'll say and do whatever panders to the people who will pay attention to them in the moment. J K Rowling didn't need to be blackmailed to go from saying she supported transgender rights to becoming one of the Internet's worst purveyors of trans-hate. Many other "influencers" have gone the same route, including a few who are trans themselves. (Matt Bernstein has some good videos about these people.) Overt transphobia is a thing you can do to score cheap points with ignorant people and get attention, approval and money. There's enough motivation there for a certain kind of character, with no need for blackmail.
Here's the list of words that will now get your scientific publication flagged for ideological review:
- activism
- activists
- advocacy
- advocate
- advocates
- barrier
- barriers
- biased
- biased toward
- biases
- biases towards
- bipoc
- black and latinx
- community diversity
- community equity
- cultural differences
- cultural heritage
- culturally responsive
- disabilities
- disability
- discriminated
- discrimination
- discriminatory
- diverse backgrounds
- diverse communities
- diverse community
- diverse group
- diverse groups
- diversified
- diversify
- diversifying
- diversity and inclusion
- diversity equity
- enhance the diversity
- enhancing diversity
- equal opportunity
- equality
- equitable
- equity
- ethnicity
- excluded
- female
- females
- fostering inclusivity
- gender
- gender diversity
- genders
- hate speech
- excluded
- female
- females
- fostering inclusivity
- gender
- gender diversity
- genders
- hate speech
- hispanic minority
- historically
- implicit bias
- implicit biases
- inclusion
- inclusive
- inclusiveness
- inclusivity
- increase diversity
- increase the diversity
- indigenous community
- inequalities
- inequality
- inequitable
- inequities
- institutional
- Igbt
- marginalize
- marginalized
- minorities
- minority
- multicultural
- polarization
- political
- prejudice
- privileges
- promoting diversity
- race and ethnicity
- racial
- racial diversity
- racial inequality
- racial justice
- racially
- racism
- sense of belonging
- sexual preferences
- social justice
- sociocultural
- socioeconomic
- status
- stereotypes
- systemic
- trauma
- under appreciated
- under represented
- under served
- underrepresentation
- underrepresented
- underserved
- undervalued
- victim
- women
- women and underrepresented
The List of Trump’s Forbidden Words That Will Get Your Paper Flagged at NSF
This guy deserves only ridicule for his idiotically simplistic understanding of the world and how to improve it. Yet the fascist techbro billionaires are fawning over him. They're a bunch of fools who never grew up.
This is a government of the absolute worst people.
I guess her crime was to try to employ more people who weren't cishet white men. Unforgivable to the fascists in charge. And anyway, they just get off on cruelty because it distracts them from the emptiness inside.
Unfortunately, with how pandemics work, it would be everyone's problem.