To spend more time with daughter. Earning money that way is a high stress lifestyle of 100+ hour work weeks with creditors, investors, contractors, planners, inspectors, and tenants. Not everyone can function under that pressure long term.
Less dependence on a US dollar weakened by faster inflation. Fewer foreign investments in the US. Nations less willing to host US bases, building up their own military instead. Less of a coordinated effort to fight contagious diseases or provide aid during disasters. The internet fragments, com domains become less popular for exchanging ideas and commerce.
For government organizations and websites they will defund resources, delete published data, and forbid terminology from being mentioned. Funding for research programs will be cut.
For social media websites they may try isolate groups by forbidding topics and moderation.
There will disturbing press announcements every few days. If there is no public outrage they will keep taking it further.
Markets will get further deregulation, maybe some scheme to tank it and issue another stimulus followed by inflation.
States and cities with strong protections in place will push back. Other places will see people emboldened by their rhetoric to take it out on others.
It's an unhealthy environment, and they are subconsciously saying they don't want to be there either. It's just one job in one building in one company in one country. There's many other opportunities out there that are not like Glengarry Glen Ross.