Here in GA, we've gotten close. I had to quit the job I temporarily stopped working for myself for last year because of heat exhaustion. It's bad. I fainted in 110° F temps with 89% humidity. Trump will make thus worse.
I need to scream at someone, something, anything but I am alone.
This seems like a cliché answer, but my favorite overall is The Measure of a Man. Granted, there is a lot I haven't seen (only pieces of DS9 and Voy, and none of the new stuff other than Lower Decks).
I just really like how it raises one specific issue without trying to skirt around it while dealing with it directly.
Admin on your (our) instance.
OP knows where his towel is.
Yeah, including that was an odd choice. That made it clear that the author doesn't know the target audience for this project. I would wager that the vast majority of modern gamers would give up on it in minutes.
I agree. We do, however, have the opportunity to rise above. I know it's been a long road gettin' from there to here. It's been a long time, but our time is finally near.
I mean, that sucks, but I've learned over a long time to separate artists, musicians, and actors from their work. It isn't worth fretting about.
As a fellow trans woman, I'd like to give you a giant hug. I made another post entirely about our situation. I hope you stay safe and happy.