submitted 1 month ago by cyborganism@lemmy.ca to c/montreal@lemmy.ca

Bonjour à tous,

J'ai deux amis qui sont en train de passer chacun au-travers d'une rupture et les deux doivent se trouver un logement au plus vite.

L'une est en train de se faire mettre dehors par son ex qui est le seul locataire sur le bail et l'autre est dans une relation quand même abusive psychologiquement.

Les deux travaillent à temps plein. Ils ne font pas de gros salaires. 1000$ correspond à un bon 2/3 à 3/4 de leur paie facile et ile ne pourront pas survivre sur ce genre de loyer.

Les deux n'ont pas d'alternative comme aller vivre chez de la famille. Soit qu'ils sont trop loins dans une autre ville, soit ils sont inaptes et vivent en habitation spécialisée.

Quels sont les recours qui existent qui pourraient les aider à Montréal? Des organismes? Logement temporaire? Resources pour trouver des logements moins chers?

Il doit bien y avoir quelque chose pour les gens qui sont mal pris?


Hey gang,

So Ubuntu has Ubuntu Core as an immutable distro option. You can customize it to create you own image. I was thinking of just using that and adding Kubuntu-desktop and any proprietary codecs and drivers such as Nvidia. Everything else would be installed as flatpak or Snap.

Has anyone tried something similar?


Recently I had a hiccup with my main SSD drive. I have a dual boot Win/Kubuntu setup. Linux was crashing hard and Windows was giving me blue screens. After I resolved the issue (cooling/loose connection, idk) my Linux was doing fine, but Windows was giving me blue screens. I think it was doing an update when it crashed.

After a couple of hours messing with my recovery USB and booting in safe mode, I was able to fix the bad update and reboot normally.

I tried to open Firefox and it couldn't find the executable. Looking into the Program Files Mozilla folder, I found the .exe files had been renamed to .exe.sig??????

Then looking for the Edge browser, I suddenly found out that Microsoft Copilot AI had been installed!?!?!?!?!?!?

What the actual fuck???

I never wanted that trash on my PC! That's one of the reasons out of the many that I didn't want to use Windows 11.

And it's a weird fucking coincidence that Firefox was fucked. I couldn't even rename the files to .exe because they wouldn't execute. Looks like they were encrypted or some shit? What the fuck is Microsoft pulling?

It's a happy coincidence because you know what? I've been thinking about going full Linux install since all my games and Windows applications work with Steam, Proton and Bottles now.

I really don't see any fucking reason to keep using Windows. Fuck this shit and fuck Microsoft.

Edit: Oh and that's on top of all the other bullshit like forcing users to create a MS account to install Windows 10 now and having to jump through hoops to have an offline installation. And also defaulting to having all your user folder documents into their fucking One Drive cloud.

I'm done.

submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by cyborganism@lemmy.ca to c/pcmasterrace@lemmy.world

Recently I had a hiccup with my main SSD drive. I have a dual boot Win/Kubuntu setup. Linux was crashing hard and Windows was giving me blue screens. After I resolved the issue (cooling/loose connection, idk) my Linux was doing fine, but Windows was giving me blue screens. I think it was doing an update when it crashed.

After a couple of hours messing with my recovery USB and booting in safe mode, I was able to fix the bad update and reboot normally.

I tried to open Firefox and it couldn't find the executable. Looking into the Program Files Mozilla folder, I found the .exe files had been renamed to .exe.sig??????

Then looking for the Edge browser, I suddenly found out that Microsoft Copilot AI had been installed!?!?!?!?!?!?

What the actual fuck???

I never wanted that trash on my PC! That's one of the reasons out of the many that I didn't want to use Windows 11.

And it's a weird fucking coincidence that Firefox was fucked. I couldn't even rename the files to .exe because they wouldn't execute. Looks like they were encrypted or some shit? What the fuck is Microsoft pulling?

It's a happy coincidence because you know what? I've been thinking about going full Linux install since all my games and Windows applications work with Steam, Proton and Bottles now.

I really don't see any fucking reason to keep using Windows. Fuck this shit and fuck Microsoft.

Edit: Oh and that's on top of all the other bullshit like forcing users to create a MS account to install Windows 10 now and having to jump through hoops to have an offline installation. And also defaulting to having all your user folder documents into their fucking One Drive cloud.

I'm done.

submitted 1 month ago by cyborganism@lemmy.ca to c/forumlibre@jlai.lu
submitted 1 month ago by cyborganism@lemmy.ca to c/quebec@lemmy.ca
submitted 1 month ago by cyborganism@lemmy.ca to c/quebec@lemmy.ca
submitted 1 month ago by cyborganism@lemmy.ca to c/forumlibre@jlai.lu

I'm about to go ahead and go 100% Linux on my PC and completely get rid of Windows. The latest advancements in Windows application compatibility for Linux has taken strides and it's now easier than ever to run Windows apps thanks to Wine and Bottles and Steam's Proton. There's literally nothing I can't do in Linux that I could do in Windows.

The distro of choice I will probably go for is going to be Kubuntu. But I've been looking at immutable distros as a more stable alternative. But, it sounds to me like it's more adapted for smaller devices and IoT, like the Steam Deck or similar handheld devices.

Have you installed an immutable distro on your PC? What distro did you use? What was your experience like? What were the pros and cons according to you?


Fuck this.

I've lost thousands these past couple of weeks thanks to agent orange here who's been threatening Taiwan with all sorts of bullshit. This has affected the whole chip market, which in turn affected the EV market and other computer hardware manufacturers.

Already, the EV market wasn't doing so well due to lack of enthusiasm from consumers who can barely afford a shelter over their head, let alone a good damn electric car at the price they're selling them. This also affect the EV battery industry and everything related.

My ETFs we performing poorly already, so on to of this with the chip industry stocks tanking, I decided to sell everything.

Instead I'm going to invest in SAP which seems to be doing well and I think they announced they were going to enter the travel industry with a new platform? And their stocks are going strong.

submitted 1 month ago by cyborganism@lemmy.ca to c/montreal@lemmy.ca

J'ai trouvé sa publication très intéressante et j'aimerais la partager ici. Bien que ça a été publié dans /r/Quebec, c'est un phénomène qui se passe dans tout le Canada. Voici la publication:

Bon, je vais essayer d'expliquer simplement : La raison c'est que la composition des revenus a changée mais pas la structure de taxation

***Je traduis certaines expressions économiques de l'anglais car c'est en anglais que j'ai appris ces trucs, soyez tolérant.

Les composantes du revenu national

Le revenu national c'est le total de l'argent empoché par les Canadiens, souvent exprimé en fonction du PIB ou de la productivité.

Les revenus d'emploi c'est l'argent payé en salaires aux travailleurs.

Les revenus de capital c'est l'argent produit par le capital au lieu du travail; intérêts, profits, gains en capital, dividendes.

La situation aujourd'hui est différente du temps de nos parents

Il y a 40 ou 50 ans, le ratio de revenu d'emploi sur le revenu de capital dans le revenu national favorisait le revenu d'emploi. Aujourd'hui c'est le contraire.

En 1970...

Les revenus d'emploi comptaient pour 60% à 70% du revenu national, les gains en capital 30% à 40%.

En 2024...

Les revenus d'emploi comptent pour 39% à 45% du revenu national alors que les revenus de capital comptent pour 55% à 61%.

Pourquoi c'est un problème? 2 raisons:

  1. Ça veut dire que la productivité a augmentée plus vite que les salaires, la différence est allée dans les poches des employeurs et de leurs actionnaires.
  1. Ça veut dire que l'économie ne fonctionne plus en fonction de la capacité de payer des travailleurs mais en fonction de la capacité d'investir des gens qui disposent du capital.

Pourquoi ce problème existe? 2 raisons:

  1. L'inégalité des revenus, les riches au Canada sont de plus en plus riches.
  1. Les Baby boomers qui approchent la retraite ont convertis leurs revenus de salaires en revenus en capital et c'est une très grosse génération.

Ça explique aussi le déficit et les problèmes à financer la santé et autres services publics

Les gains en capital sont taxés à 50% du taux marginal d'impôt sur le revenu.

Imaginez un travailleur qui est imposé à 40% sur son salaire, le jour où il prend sa retraite, son revenu passe de "salaire" qui est imposable à 40% à pension qui, si elle provient d'un gain en capital (un profit de vos investissements), son taux de taxation est de 50% de 40%, donc il ne paie que 20% d'impôts.

Les revenus de l'État ont été pensés dans le temps où les revenus de salaires étaient plus grand que les revenus de capital

Imaginez 1970 : 70% des revenus des canadiens étaient des salaires, donc 70% des revenus des Canadiens étaient imposés au taux marginal d'imposition.

Imaginons que les Canadiens ont $100 milliard (en dollars constant) en salaires et que le taux d'imposition marginal moyen est de 30%.

  • Donc en 1970, $70 milliards de salaires sont imposés à 30% = $21 milliards en revenus du gouvernement
  • Et $30 milliards en gains en capital sont imposés à 15% = $4.5 milliards en revenus pour le gouvernement

Donc le gouvernement faisait $21 + $4.5 milliards = $25.5 milliards en revenus d'impôts.

Aujourd'hui en 2024:

  • Aujourd'hui c'est $45 milliards de salaires imposés à 30% = $13.5 milliards
  • Et $55 milliards en gain en capital imposés à 15% = $8.25 milliard

Un total de revenus pour le gouvernement de $13.5 + $8.25 milliards = $21.75 miliards

C'est une perte de revenus pour le gouvernement de $3.75 milliards parce-qu'une plus grande partie des revenus des Canadiens sont maintenant des GAINS EN CAPITAL qui sont taxés à 50% du taux marginal d'imposition, contrairement aux salaires.

Imaginez un retraité qui faisait $100,000 en salaire et qui payait $40,000 en impôts, quand il tombe à la retraite, il se paie toujours $100,000 mais en gain en capital et ne paie que $20,000 en impôts. Il manque donc $20,000 dans les revenus du gouvernement.

C'est soit les travailleurs à salaire qui doivent payer la différence ou bien le gouvernement doit augmenter la dette en faisant un déficit.

Ils viennent d'où ces gains en capital?

Principalement de l'immobilier et des fonds de retraite et d'investissements qui sont de plus en plus présent dans le marché immobilier... Expliquant pourquoi on a plus les moyens de s'acheter une maison...

Donc, le seule et unique solution à ce problème c'est de taxer les gains en capital à un taux plus élevé; exactement ce que Trudeau essaie de faire.

[-] cyborganism@lemmy.ca 804 points 1 month ago

I don't understand you people in this thread.

Ever since the debate, people have been calling for Joe Biden to step down from the presidential race and give the place to someone else.

Now I read the comments and everyone is criticizing and accusing the Democrats of not knowing what they're doing? Are you for real? They're doing EXACTLY what people have been asking for. They're doing EXACTLY what needs to be done if they want to win.

Fucking hell you guys, make up your fucking mind.


A Canadian with severe anxiety over your next presidential election.

[-] cyborganism@lemmy.ca 195 points 2 months ago

Nobody becomes filthy rich by being honest. You can only become this rich by exploiting people and having absolutely no fucking empathy whatsoever.

[-] cyborganism@lemmy.ca 139 points 4 months ago

LoL!!! You do your job as just because you're doing what's required you're called a quiet quitter? Man fuck that noise.

[-] cyborganism@lemmy.ca 140 points 4 months ago

And why the fuck is he wearing a suit?

I think it clearly pictures the company CEO's values. The suits and their chest full of profit money they want to keep all to themselves.

[-] cyborganism@lemmy.ca 153 points 4 months ago

Just saw in another post that Microsoft is pushing their copilot AI into Windows 2022 servers. Windows 11 will become a data syphoning ad-riddled spyware. And Microsoft office will send everything you type to some AI learning machine god knows where.

This will be a huge privacy concern for governments very soon and may force them to switch to Linux and libre office. Germany is not even the first one to do this. French police already use Ubuntu on their desktop computers.

[-] cyborganism@lemmy.ca 143 points 6 months ago

You know what sucks? For all the employees there, including HR, they would definitely sympathize with the person pulling this.

The people at the top however? CEOs and whatnot? They wouldn't fucking care. I don't even think they would have an ounce of sympathy.

That's the reality.

[-] cyborganism@lemmy.ca 150 points 6 months ago

We don't know what Biden is saying behind closed doors, but I'd be willing to bet my left nut that he's really angry at Netanyahu.

Bibi knows he would get full support to wipe out Gaza from Trump.

Biden is still trying to help within a certain frame by sending aid and asking Netanyahu to stop killing civilians. But that's only as much as he can do without completely pulling all funding, weapons and ammo. But there's risks associated to that. Especially with the threat of Iran in the middle East. He doesn't want to lose the support of one of the only allies, if not the only one, in the region.

The whole thing is very complex. There's lots of things at play here and it's all a bunch of shades of gray. Nothing is black and white.

However, there's only one thing that's really important here. Trump must lose. A Trump win would be devastating for world peace. I don't think Americans understand enough how much their country is a central pillar for world peace. The Gaza genocide could be nothing compared to the world wide cluster fuck we could be in if Trump wins.

So get your heads out of your asses, swallow your fucking pride and do the world a fucking favor by voting for the only candidate who still has a chance at not bringing a third, and possibly ultimate, world war.

[-] cyborganism@lemmy.ca 175 points 6 months ago
[-] cyborganism@lemmy.ca 155 points 8 months ago

Let the enshittification ~~begin~~ continue. Now that stockholders will be expecting increasing profits, I don't see how Reddit can remain free to use.

[-] cyborganism@lemmy.ca 149 points 8 months ago

The reason why Valve does all this cool shit is because it's a private company and not publicly traded. It owes nothing to no one.

As soon as a company goes public, it owes its shareholders its profits and has an obligation to make as much as possible and use whatever means it can to do so.

Gabe doesn't care. He does what he wants and he knows what his customers want.

[-] cyborganism@lemmy.ca 140 points 9 months ago

To be fair, as a man, I've also done this when I was about to meet a girl. In case I get jumped or something. You never know with internet strangers.

[-] cyborganism@lemmy.ca 146 points 11 months ago

My first job out of university.

Company is going through financial hardship. Boss cancels our collective insurance without telling us. Then the president of the company does a meeting in a shady motel reception room to announce to everyone the company isn't going well and we all need to take a 10% pay cut. Ends the PowerPoint presentation with a photo from our major client's ads with a lady on a beach with a laptop. President says "oh that's going to be me in a few weeks. I'll be going to Greece!"

The whole room just say there silent.

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