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For the abolition of work. Yes really, abolish work! Not "reform work" but the destruction of work as a separate field of human activity.
To save the world, we're going to have to stop working! — David Graeber
A strange delusion possesses the working classes of the nations where capitalist civilization holds its sway. ...the love of work... Instead of opposing this mental aberration, the priests, the economists, and the moralists have cast a sacred halo over work. — Paul Lafargue
In communist society, where nobody has one exclusive sphere of activity but each can become accomplished in any branch he wishes, society regulates the general production and thus makes it possible for me to do one thing today and another tomorrow, to hunt in the morning, fish in the afternoon, rear cattle in the evening, criticise after dinner, just as I have a mind, without ever becoming hunter, fisherman, herdsman or critic. — Karl Marx
In the glorification of 'work', in the unwearied talk of the 'blessing of work', I see the same covert idea as in the praise of useful impersonal actions: that of fear of everything individual. — Friedrich Nietzsche
If hard work were such a wonderful thing, surely the rich would have kept it all to themselves. — Lane Kirkland
The bottom line is simple: all of us deserve to make the most of our potential as we see fit, to be the masters of our own destinies. Being forced to sell these things away to survive is tragic and humiliating. We don’t have to live like this. ― CrimethInc
You know what sucks? For all the employees there, including HR, they would definitely sympathize with the person pulling this.
The people at the top however? CEOs and whatnot? They wouldn't fucking care. I don't even think they would have an ounce of sympathy.
That's the reality.
HR is much more closely aligned with the CEO than the employees
Correct. They are there to manage the company's human resources. They're not there to help us. It's in the name of their title. The company perceives people as nothing but another resource to exploit.
You are implying people choose to work in HR because they are heartless corporate bootlickers who like crushing people's lives, and not because, idk, it's a job they get paid to do
That's not what I'm implying. Lots of us have to do stuff for our paychecks that we wouldn't do otherwise. HR people seem to be pretty cool to me. HR departments and policies are not there to help you, they're there to protect the company's resources.
Well if they have a problem with it why are they doing it?
Do you enjoy everything about your job? I certainly don't love everything about my job. I have to break bad news to a lot of people and it sucks.
But it's a job that needs to be done, and I'm good at it. There's satisfaction in doing something well, even if it's something that's unpleasant.
No, I don't always enjoy my job but I sure as hell did not sell my soul and only exist to fuck over my fellow workers.
They might but they probably won't wouldn't even be aware
Exactly. Humans are funny, irrational beings. We feel these things like sympathy super strongly when we see another person suffering.
Without the direct sight though, we don't feel it.
So maybe the CEO would if he was there, but chances are he isn't so he doesn't.
It's a big part about why it's not what you know but who you know that's so important in life.
I wonder why it's like that? After all they're the same raw material - human.
It must be because upper management is culled, is screened, for selecting heartlessness and ruthlessness, and the lack of sympathy.
They hire people who only care about big number go up