Yeah, I guess it would.
My advice is don't hesitate to block someone for being a dick, and be ready to report anything you think is actionable by community moderators or site admins.
Obviously I'm generalising here, but I feel like this is largely the outcome of putting a bunch of middle-aged white STEM bros on the same small social media network as a bunch of queer communists who trend a lot younger.
The latter group would be mostly content keeping to itself (albeit with the usual amount of infighting), but the former group sees it as its god-given duty to barge in and disrupt any and all "echo chambers" they happen into online. They have all the social awareness and political literacy of the stereotypical facebook boomer, they're just more technically literate.
To be clear, a lot of folks here are perfectly amicable, but if the quality of the experience on Reddit hadn't dropped so drastically in the last two and a half years that I found myself questioning my sanity I probably wouldn't have come back here.
It's what Apple uses the super key for. Most keyboards have it.
You clearly aren't a white girl
According to the mod team, this post is from all of them. Nevertheless, Rmbp is in this reply section disputing this, saying that he didn't write a word of it.
Dunno about you, but it looks to me like a small number of mods have a habit of calling all the shots and then sharing the blame when it backfires.
Really? All of them? Personally, I'd be happy enough taking no more than two heads for this. Whatever the case, I think the main priority should be adding new mods whose attitudes are more in line with the comm.
Anyway, I'm sure there's stuff that's happened in private that I'm unaware of, but it seems like qaz has been pretty level-headed about the whole thing, Rmbp, despite approving of the move and thus being generally out of touch with the community claims (believably, IMO) to have had no knowledge of, let alone input over the process prior to the call being made, greembow hasn't posted anything in a year, and Peachy has wisely kept pretty quiet about it, with a grand total of two (one if we're not counting duplicates) pretty neutral comments in threads about the mod team's decision.
Yes, all this and the fact that the move was months in the making but had almost zero* communication with the broader community really just paints a picture of a thoroughly dysfunctional mod team acting in a bubble, but from what little I understand I'd argue this particular fiasco was done mostly on the initiative of the "head honcho of 196" and A_Very_Big_Fan, who made the announcements and were the ones to double down on it in the face of community pushback.
* a month or so ago when PJ really got his knickers in a twist about not being allowed to misgender neopronoun users by LBZ's site rules one of the mods mentioned they were considering a move to dotworld and got pushback then too
I think people's interactions with you were coloured by the fact that you were one of about three people who were vocally supportive of the mod team's move. That you're (unknowingly at the time) a member of it probably didn't help, but was likely secondary.
Also appointing a few moderators who are actually on LBZ and active in the community could be helpful.
Yeah this just about sums up my view of the situation.
The funniest bit is that LBZ doesn't even have downvotes enabled, so the downvotes on the post are an understatement of how unpopular this call was.
This is true. I am prone to the occasional understatement.