it implies I pretend to be a woman to trick people, really gross.
Best argument I've heard as to why it's a slur. Honestly thank you.
it implies I pretend to be a woman to trick people, really gross.
Best argument I've heard as to why it's a slur. Honestly thank you.
Huh... Some friends have been calling me tranny granny for a while now...
Wait tr*nny is a slur...? Why?
Probably a hot take but I disagree, it's the same issue as the whole "trap is a slur" situation that I also disagree with.
The issue is that, if the word is used against a trans woman without bottom surgery, it's a term that might not fit or be appropriate. With trap, it's just straight up misgendering, but it might fit someone who still identifies as male. With futa, (if I underatand your point) it might carry a lot of sexual meaning with it which could be inappropriate.
It's an issue with "who uses the word to describe who", and therefore isn't in my eyes a slur.
Edit: clarification
and she's in bed next to me braless and smoking
Why does something so fukken hot as smoking have to be so incredibly unhealthy (ಥ﹏ಥ) tits don't honk when I squeeze them tho ;-;
Yeah pretty much.
I'm currently in my hormonal cycle and I'm feeling pretty sick and needy and while cramps are rare (at least for me), they do happen for some odd reason and even researchers don't really know why.
Btw even cis guys have a hormone cycle but it usually doesn't have an effect like with estrogen.
(Also since you've asked, please don't use my words and stuff as a reference to how to use terms in the situation... English isn't my first language sadly)
Yeah but I wanna feel the headpats too....
I just wanna be loved and given pats and cuddled ;-;
please make this a real thing please make this a real thing please make this a real thing please make this a real thing please make this a real thing PLEEAASEEEEEE
(I'm not even getting headpats in vr...)
Ayy girl, are you into bondage?
Because I want to tie you up (to save some space), put you into a box and FedEx you to a more accepting country~
Well, I mean, you're part of us now. You're part of the ridiculously attractive girls club :3
I totally get you tho. I was at a local pride parade 2 months ago and I was literally completely overwhelmed by the amount of people that gave me a "OMG I NEEEED TO GO TO THEM AND HUG THEM" feeling (even if I didn't do it because shyyy). I was literally melting
I'm craving a sugar mommy TwT