That's my favorite author! Tragic about his baldness and general thumb-shapedness, though.
Bet, i absolutely grow weary of sitting in the hot! Gotta go cool off by the river or something.
But your point stands.
I'm hoping car exhaust takes that role.
I enjoy me a good HoI 4. Less visceral, but I get to kill them by the company instead.
I got one in 'atomic purple' because that is the most rad color.
Woah, you can trust big corps!
But only to fuck you over.
This sentence is a bit vague, even with the comma:
Are the unidentified indivifuals raising security concerns, or are the employees raising these concerns in the wake of the individuals?
The MG42 is a Gothic barbarian weapon, legionnaire. Find yourself something proper.
Even paining over 'constitution' near the guy's foot.
Not that it was ever really a priority, but at least they're not hiding themselves.
What a sensible, decimal system!
No, but their dedication to the program in spite of the current administration's preference clearly puts them apart from companies such as John Deere and Target.
Ehh, for a bit Virginia tried enforcing them with aircraft.
It stopped because it was expensive, not because it was too authoritarian.