It jets a puff of air onto your eyeball to see how the blood vessels react. Big problems if you fail.
Setting aside the ethics of it all, really seems like the psychologist could have just shut the fuck up and have it published on their own deathbed.
You see kids, we had to fuck up the planet. For bagels.🥯
Can somebody give me the theological reasons for this? Also which one is the heretic?
“Not a big fan” is carrying a lot of baggage.🧳
At that size, running seems like you'll cause some tearing. Unless there are implanted supports..
I am not a plastic surgeon.
Wrong sub. Clearly belongs in programmer humor because he said the word “programmer”
Gronk has one club.
Gronk brutally smashed the head of his fellow caveman, murdering his tribe, stealing his food, taking his club.
Gronk has two club.
Is the one true god trying to tell us something?
No, it’s the sinful peasants who are revolting again.
And also:
lol. Did nobody read Superman’s origin story? /s