[-] KillingAndKindess 54 points 1 month ago

Fuck off, dividing a marginalized community over petty shit.

submitted 1 month ago by KillingAndKindess to c/asktransgender

My doc just added it to me regumine, and I think a little after that I began smelling what I thought was a neighbor smoking. But its been mostly consisent no matter where I am ... Does anyone else experience something similar?

submitted 1 month ago by KillingAndKindess to c/minecraft@lemmy.world

Just curious how active the server is, and when it might be updated to a newer version?

[-] KillingAndKindess 59 points 2 months ago

I mean, he claims responsibility, confirmed the existing evidence, then states his motives which aren't hard to understand for even those out of the loop. I think the brevity and simple reasoning speak volumes louder than some maniacs scribblings found in a cabin. The fact that even those considered Semliterate would be able to grasp the bulk of his message was likely intentional.

Its actually not shitty at all, presuming his purpose was to inspire a shift in public discourse around the topic.

If he wanted it to be the centerpiece of a dramatic documentary miniseries, then yes, it was shitty.

submitted 2 months ago by KillingAndKindess to c/armedqweers
submitted 2 months ago by KillingAndKindess to c/trans
submitted 2 months ago by KillingAndKindess to c/mtf

"OutFront has worked with people from 20 states, including states like Texas and Missouri, along the Interstate 35 corridor and southeast states Florida, Tennessee and Georgia, Rohn said.

Minnesota’s relatively strong job market and economy are a draw for those seeking access to care"

Due to confounding factors, I can only say this is probably a good statement for those arriving with some savings, or had the time to find a job before the move. I have not had this level of luck myself, but this is the first city I've ever lived in where I have felt a desire to set down roots.*

"A November attack on two trans women at a light rail station in downtown Minneapolis, with cheers from onlookers, deterred a few people Charley spoke with who had been considering a move to Minnesota. He said it was hard on many members of the Twin Cities Transplant group. 

“To me, (bystanders cheering) was the most devastating part,” Charley said.

A place to call home

Housing is a considerable obstacle for many transplants — the housing crisis in the Twin Cities affects everybody, but the absence of a dedicated LGBTQ+ shelter is a risk for anyone relocating without guaranteed access to housing, Charley said. 

“And you can’t sleep in your car,” Charley said. “I talked to a transplant last year who was talking about doing anything to get out of Texas and mentioned in February living in a car.”

Charley said the “Catch-22” of finding a job without a local address is another challenge because employers might eliminate out-of-state applicants. To secure an apartment, one needs a job and proof of income, he said."

I don't know for sure if I am the actual person this interviewee said they had spoken to, but I may be since every description fits, and am willing to share and answer and questions you may have down in the comments.

To start off with what was mentioned in the article:

  • There actually are dedicated services for unhoused younger transpeople (the oldest age that is included by any of the groups is 25).

  • I have been living in my vehicle at various areas around the MN metro since bailing on Texas becoming a decent place July 4th weekend 2023 (more detail im the comments)

  • I have had 0 interactions with anyone here that made me feel LESS safe due to my identity or presentation. And after learning some terrifying lessons on some things to not do, I haven't had any interactions at all overnight with the exception of 1 police check up every 1-2 months for the last year...(notes and qualifying stuff in comments)

If you are wondering If Minneapolis, or Minnesota overall, is worth the move, then I would say yes to anyone with a well laid plan and a small savings for comfort.

And you're saftey is at risk because you live in the worst areas, I can say 1.5 years of car life in MN has without a doubt been way better for my mental, physical, and spiritual help than 1.5 years back in texas under even a million dollar roof(frankly because I'd be hanging from it one way or another long before the year mark)

submitted 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) by KillingAndKindess to c/nostupidquestions@lemmy.world

*Edit: JFC, I've been physically ill at the thought that I was just trying to justify choosing something that was just shitty behavior. I haven't even been all that comfortable talking to my therapist about it as much as I've needed to. And reading every single response (so far)..... well i'm in literal tears over the relief I feel not being alone in thought. Thank you. *

To clarify, they want me to use the money to buy a duplex / other property for me take care of (for the entire place) and to renovate and to live in, while renting out the other unit/room/whathaveyou so that I don't have to worry about property taxes or the basic necessities of life.

(feel free to ignore this paragraph explaining my anxities and ignorance)The entire topic of inheritance and the circumstances leading to one has caused several of my worst panic attacks when it has been brought up in the past. (Bad enough to require medication assistance to regulate) And thankfully, this family member was aware and stopped bringing it up as they were in the habit of doing. Over the last 2 years I've come a long way with my issue and getting help fortunately, which has proven to be useful in this context recently. Their health recently took a scary decline, I've been able to regulate myself in the discussions that have followed, within reason.

I haven't yet been capable of asking the specifics on how much money it will be, or if there will be any trusts or whatever etc. And honestly, I don't think I'll be able to in the near future. But the way they talk about it, it sounds as though it will be enough to at (at least almost) pay for a small duplex type of situation.

I'm currently unhoused, and have been for over a year, so there is no love of capitalism in me, much less any desire to "be a landlord". I feel very ethically convicted against becoming what I think of when I think of Landlords, even one of those local 2-3 property owning ones.

Unfortunately I feel that clashing with the rest of values surrounding honoring the wishes of what is currently my last surviving relative (who I still remain in contact with and love dearly). Not to mention whatever might be a part of any legal stuff pertaining to her will. (which I know hardly anything about and still makes me panicked just typing about)

My main question:

Is it ethical to own a property that I live in, provide the standard maintenance for, and work on renovating.... and also rent out part of it?

I value my ethics, and part of that has always been assessing the nuances thoughtfully. When I think about the specifics of this, I find difficulty in framing that situation as the role of a landlord. Landlord being defined, at least the way I think about what a landlord is / the way other people use it.

My followup question:

Is anyone who is paid money that is for sure another person's "rent money" considered a landlord, regardless of it being the only property they own? Even if they also live there?

*Edit 2: for only those in such a position, I have no shame sharing this link since the 1st time was many months ago https://gofund.me/9bd76285 *

[-] KillingAndKindess 61 points 3 months ago

Posts like this make me think about who will be the David Attenborough, Bill Nye, Martyn Poliakoff etc of tomorrow, and how do we lift them up without politicization?

submitted 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) by KillingAndKindess to c/mtf
submitted 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago) by KillingAndKindess to c/lgbtq_plus@sh.itjust.works

I love it when this happens. I got a Bible degree a decade ago, and my interpretation /deconstruction make me giggle like the girl I am!

[-] KillingAndKindess 68 points 6 months ago

Its not election strategy at all, this prep for a coup attempt. He knows he's lost, and now he's whistling off the back porch prepping his dogs to dowhat he is too dumb and fat to do on his own.

[-] KillingAndKindess 51 points 6 months ago

Cause gutting doublebucks is the plan

submitted 7 months ago by KillingAndKindess to c/196
[-] KillingAndKindess 87 points 7 months ago

Perpetuated by an education problem

submitted 8 months ago by KillingAndKindess to c/trans
[-] KillingAndKindess 53 points 8 months ago

Oh, fuuuuck yes. I love everything this has unexpectedy scratched in my soul. Damn, NASA, why do we treat you so?

submitted 9 months ago by KillingAndKindess to c/mtf

As promised yesterday, here's probably the first photo I've ever posted of myself

[-] KillingAndKindess 50 points 11 months ago

Yeah, such as anyone trying to unscramble your... "thoughts"

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