[-] Ignisnex@lemmy.world 28 points 7 months ago

Last night, my wife and I ordered Chinese for Valentine's Day. Cost $100. Tried to tip the delivery guy a $20, and he turned it down lol. He then gave my cat a temptations treat, out of a freshly opened bag he had in his pocket. Dude was amazing!

[-] Ignisnex@lemmy.world 33 points 7 months ago

In our town, one of the schools was just built 5 years ago. They built it without classrooms. Not a single one. They had a gym, common areas, admin offices, IT infrastructure (office with a server room became the councillors office and the IT guy needs to ask permission to use it lol), bathrooms and library. They designed it so it could be made entirely with portables. From the onset.

[-] Ignisnex@lemmy.world 16 points 8 months ago

So, I get where you're coming from here, but $25 million is still an enormous amount of money objectively. Obviously there isn't really a way to convert 44 years of incarceration into an equivalent financial denomination, but if we think about earnings that could be had in that time, $25 million by far covers it.

If this guy were to have a job paying $100k a year for his whole life, he'd be making well in excess of the average, and still only have about $6 million total earnings by the time they retire. Let's double it and assume he was making $200k a year for his entire working life, that's still only half the amount he was awarded. So this amount paid could be said to cover a lifetime of high pay, plus an equivalent amount in damages, plus a little extra on top for good measure.

[-] Ignisnex@lemmy.world 34 points 8 months ago

Our cat got a full urinary blockage, so we've been at the vet dealing with that. My mom's horse got colicky, and seems like she's got twisted guts, so she's been dealing with that. Dad broke his hip last week, and has developed a foot infection that he can't deal with properly, so he's been at the emergency clinic dealing with that. I got socks though, and I'm super jazzed about that. And donated a bunch of money to the food bank, so at least some people can eat today.

[-] Ignisnex@lemmy.world 17 points 10 months ago

Ah shit. It lost me at painting the QR code by hand.

[-] Ignisnex@lemmy.world 21 points 10 months ago

Personally, i just need a game that lets me do something pretty. Satisfactory was mentioned, or City Skylines. Or something that is highly nostalgic and familiar, like Skyrim, Halo or Minecraft. I don't intrinsically need to think in these cases, which is my goal. I'm a programmer, so anything that lets me shut my brain off and just exist is great. Sometimes BloonsTD is also a great game for this, but it's situational.

Counter intuitively, most "casual" games like Stardew don't really fit this vibe for me because of the daily time limit. I need to pick and choose what tasks to do in a day, and I always fall into a min-max schedule, which requires effort. Much as I love them, I also avoid story driven games like Baldur's Gate when I need to unwind, because I really need to pay attention to progress, and there kinda isn't any mindless grinding. Multiplayer games with randos is also strictly out. No League, COD, Battlefield, Fortnite etc... Just in general. Don't like 'em, never did, hate that they are so prolific. They're just stressful.

[-] Ignisnex@lemmy.world 27 points 10 months ago

In my town, such a space would be destroyed within days, become an impromptu homeless shelter, or both. Likely both.

[-] Ignisnex@lemmy.world 39 points 11 months ago

Ancient torture/execution method. Tie you to a boat (or trap you between two boats) and stuff you full of milk and honey, then pour some on you for good measure. The idea is that there are many biting insects and unpleasant things that will be attracted to the milk and honey. Being tied/trapped means your hands aren't free to deal with them. Secondly, a large amount of milk and honey is a really good way to get diarrhea. So eventually, you'll have to deal with that, and biting insects are more likely to swarm around you if you're covered in literal shit. The victims usually die from exposure, but they will have an exceedingly unpleasant time before they expire. Very common to have... Soft tissue areas... Completely consumed before death.

[-] Ignisnex@lemmy.world 18 points 11 months ago

Yup. My wife and I used to work at a jewelry store together. Management fired my wife for being friendly with a district manager they had to let go (for legitimate reasons). Told the owners that they made a mistake. They said it was justified, but I could stay if I wanted. I ended up rallying 3/4 of the staff at our store to walk out too, because they all loved working with my wife. The owners needed to run the store themselves for 3 months before they hired enough staff to replace everyone. It was a good day.

[-] Ignisnex@lemmy.world 31 points 1 year ago

Mythbusters did a bit on that. I seem to recall that unless you've got an MRI in your pocket, it should be fine.

[-] Ignisnex@lemmy.world 44 points 1 year ago

If people could pay double, things would cost double. Quality likely wouldn't change.

[-] Ignisnex@lemmy.world 17 points 1 year ago

People quit managers, they don't quit jobs.

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