submitted 1 year ago by dumbestgirlalive to c/femcelmemes

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[-] Blahaj_Blast 10 points 1 year ago

Uh.. OK, I'm commenting 😅🥴

[-] dumbestgirlalive 7 points 1 year ago
[-] Star 2 points 1 year ago

Voice training is too hard. I'm not lazy I swear

[-] Smorty 1 points 1 year ago

So uh what's the sauce for 4? And who's that character on 6?

For the first one: You gotta start those transvoicelessons videos as soon as possible. The "beginner" one somehow didn't really help me, cuz she says "yuh well, sound light" but doesn't give many examples of how it should sound. Watch another video specifically on weight afterwards (or maybe even before) watching the beginner one. That helped me a lot getti g started..

Buut I too am still working on getting anything useable out if my throat.

[-] astropenguin5@lemmy.world 2 points 1 year ago

I know it's been nearly a month but the character on 6 is rocket in the latest guardians of the galaxy movie, unfortunately explaining the image is kinda major spoilers tho

[-] astropenguin5@lemmy.world 1 points 1 year ago

This seems like a good one comment on first I guess lol

Also what's funny is that when I was a little younger I used to get assumed to be a girl because I have long (and apparently very pretty) hair, and I think a bit of a rounder face shape, even tho I'm a cis guy not even like trying to appear feminine I just like my hair long, but then when I spoke my deep voice made them realize otherwise. It wasn't that common but often enough to notice, especially when out with my mom and sister

this post was submitted on 03 Aug 2023
26 points (100.0% liked)

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