text transcription
a meme with lots of colorful visuals in the background with black text on it. the text is a table with the left having the elements: how i type to my coworkers, how i type on the lemmy, how i type to an LLM. Almost everything is written in lowercase. the right has denser text:
how i type to my coworkers:
Could someone please order more AAA batteries? They are really running out here and we have like 6 mice already dying from not having energy and teachers complaining that they cant work without mice. Thank you Sincerely Deadname.
how i type on the lemmy:
whyyyy does it always hav to be about adult stuffsies ;(
whiiii not jus .-,.-, idk.-,. we watch som dum series togethr or lik.-,--., somethin totally serious (MLP) n then we lik.,-, .-bake som cookies <3 < <3 n then we do othr stuffsieseseses which r comf but .,.- whi it hv to alwais be adult ;(((( i dun lik adult, nuuu is uncomf lik ,- .nu!!! ;(( how about nu!!! ;(
i dun lik dis lik e, ,.-, adult stuff how bout we onli do dem comf n tek drgs to mek them uncomf adult feels go *-poof gon-* hatd be supr nic n cuul n i rlli wan that <3 <3 <3
how i type to an LLM:
i want to ton awnion io i wan to t oin i want to !!! i want ot i wa tno to i want to ! !i want o to i wa tnto i wantot to °!° i want to feel comf i want to be preddi kinda i want to not hav dick i wan to not be disgust capitalist evil selfish not-selfless uncomfy bad evil capitalist investor asshole male!! ;(((( dvil1!! evil!!!!! devil1!!! bad!!! ,(;()));(((;(;(;(;(;((i im sad!!! ;( its bad!! ;(
i hav therapist alrdi !;8 ;(
but not E yet ;;(;((;;( im sad ;/(
i cn get E soon but not yet ;(((((( im so sad i cn t do dis is bad i cnt nonon dis monnon ;((;(;(;(
is bad i cnt look at myself i nono i cnt ris cnt cntcntcntcnct is imporsbsrl impossiubl imposubil imposuibl impossiublimpossibl!!! ;(;(;((;(;(;(;(;(
i feel bad ;(
In the bottom right there is small text saying "i improved the croopping, did u notice? plees dun call me a shidhed agn [sad face]"
this references an older post where smorty cropped the meme significantly by accident and then got called a shidhed which she found very uncomfortable
background description
in the background there are lots of different colorful pictures stitched into one.
Those elements include:
- two illustrations of fluttershy wit horns looking sad and scared
- lilac flowers
- a certificate of achievement - fundamentals of agents with the name of the owner modified to say "Maria" and the last name left intact "Friedrich"
- two images of anime girls kissing, one with maid dresses
- many images of burgers, including impossible whoppers and big macs
- many images of chili chees efries
- an image of a big mac package, when opened, showing the character "big mac" from my little pony
- a purple illustration of a girl laying in bed, experiencing sleep paralysis and shouting for help in fear . two illustrations of a girl with soft pink pullover and black pants sitting down sad, one with a phone in hand and leaning on table
- a transbian flag
- a minimalist illustration of karl marx
- an illustration of a girl with pink headphones with hearts on it, blond hair with a light pink hairclip and wearing a light pink pullover with overalls while holding a stuffed tiger with text in light pink saying "autism and being childish" with a heart after it
- three men wearing business suits with many money bags infront of a sad fluttershy image
- a small communism logo besides karl marx illustration
- a lego figure sitting at a lego work desk with a computer and keyboard, looking at the camera with a sad, scared and terrified expression
- the logo of an LLM company called "Qwen", which is settled in china and produces the open-access Qwen models. They are pretty good, maybe try them out sometime
- a picture of a glass of strawberry milk with a strawberry at the top
- the brainmade.org logo, stands for something being created largely my a human and not by AI
All the images are overlaid with a white haze, making the black text ontop easier to read
all images are smoothed together by applying an airbrush as an eraser in the image editor damn i rlli described every single part of that image :o
proudli made with krita <3
EDIT: surpringli the LLMs can parse my msgs vrri well >v< i thougt the tokenizr wud be messd up n go "oh nuu so mani confus tokns-.-,- whadduidoooo" bt nu! it totali fin <3

awwwww thanksies that means suu mch to mee <3 <3 <3