Posting several links so that one of them will be clickable in your client of choice.


The community here on LW was intended as a harassment community, which violates the Lemmy.World ToS and will not be tolerated.

submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by FelixCress@lemmy.world to c/carnivore@lemmy.world

This time we will never find out what vegans said as it apparently wasn't vegan enough so they were quickly censored by another vegan.


Schnitzel is thinnly cut breaded slice of meat, usually veal or pork, fried and traditionally served with some potatoes.

It is mouth-watering tasty!

Pound meat of choice (pork, veal, chicken, turkey, beef)

Sprinkle with salt and pepper;

Coat in flour, dredge in egg, coat in breadcrumbs

Fry until golden (not deep fry! Just shallow fry!)

You can serve it as is, just with a squeeze of lemon or you can add some potatoes on the side.



Eating animals is comparable to nazi holocaust and if you feel offended by this comparison, that's because you are prejudiced against animals (and "animal liberation", whatever it is).

Certainly, it would be viciously circular to assume that animal liberation is mistaken from the start, which makes a comparison offensive, and which in turn is supposed to prove that animal liberation is wrong. I conclude that if all other objections against animal liberation fail, objecting to the Holocaust comparison by itself will not indicate the case for anti-animal liberation. I submit the possibility that some people are deeply offended by the comparison because they are profoundly prejudiced against animals


submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by FelixCress@lemmy.world to c/carnivore@lemmy.world

Tatar (steak tartare) is a dish made from raw minced beef, served with egg yolk, onion, parsley, salt and pepper.

While originally it comes from France, it is popular across Europe. The recipe below is for Polish version, where it is traditionally served as an appetizer with diced onions, pickled mushrooms, egg yolk, spices.

Wash in water, then finely chop or grind the beef.

Wash eggs with water or blanch them to make sure there is no salmonella.

Separate yolks from the whites and put them to the bowl with meat.

Finely chop onions, pickled gherkins, and pickled mushrooms.

Serve with some bread and frozen cold Polish vodka.



This time one of vegans decided to teach us all about eggs, honey and bees.

Apparently bees are "imprisoned" and pollination is not comparable to keeping bees 😂

You have to imprison and exploit chickens and bees for those 2 things. Pollination is no way comparable.


Reminder (lemmy.world)
submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by FelixCress@lemmy.world to c/carnivore@lemmy.world

Downvoting without participation and mass downvoting is against the rules of this community and you WILL be banned.

So is spreading vegan propaganda unless it is funny - please feel free to give me some more quotes for "Vegan said WHAT?" series.

Please check the rules.


Foie Gras Terrine is the purest experience of foie gras (fattened duck liver) since the whole raw liver is packed into a terrine mold and cooked at low temperature.

Foie gras terrine recipe 2 large lobes of raw deveined foie gras 2 tsp fleur de sel 1 tsp peppercorns

Preheat your oven to 110 ° C.

Place a container filled with water capable of holding your terrine (a gratin dish for example)

Season the raw foie gras on all sides with salt and a teaspoon of peppercorns.

Put the two foie gras in your terrine, packing well. Cover the terrine with the lid.

Place in the oven and cook for 40 minutes.

Empty the excess fat and keep it.

Cut out a cardboard box the size of your terrine and wrap it with aluminum foil.

Place on your terrine and place two full cans (of the weight) on top to flatten the terrine as much as possible.

Put in the fridge for several hours.

Heat some remaining fat.

Remove the weight from the terrine. Add a thin layer of fat and return to the fridge.

Source: https://frenchgirlcuisine.com/en/easy-foie-gras-terrine-recipe-2/


Second part of all times favourite vegan quotes.

While quoting vegans can be a constant source of amusement, one must be quite selective due to sheer volume of shit flowing from their upper lettuce holes.

Ladies, and gentlemen, let me me present you another vegan curiosity:

When you consider animal exploitation as mass slavery, mass torture and mass murder




Cancer risk across mammals | Nature

Cancer is a ubiquitous disease of metazoans, predicted to disproportionately affect larger, long-lived organisms owing to their greater number of cell divisions, and thus increased probability of somatic mutations1,2. While elevated cancer risk with larger body size and/or longevity has been documented within species3,4,5, Peto’s paradox indicates the apparent lack of such an association among taxa6. Yet, unequivocal empirical evidence for Peto’s paradox is lacking, stemming from the difficulty of estimating cancer risk in non-model species. Here we build and analyse a database on cancer-related mortality using data on adult zoo mammals (110,148 individuals, 191 species) and map age-controlled cancer mortality to the mammalian tree of life. We demonstrate the universality and high frequency of oncogenic phenomena in mammals and reveal substantial differences in cancer mortality across major mammalian orders. We show that the phylogenetic distribution of cancer mortality is associated with diet, with carnivorous mammals (especially mammal-consuming ones) facing the highest cancer-related mortality. Moreover, we provide unequivocal evidence for the body size and longevity components of Peto’s paradox by showing that cancer mortality risk is largely independent of both body mass and adult life expectancy across species. These results highlight the key role of life-history evolution in shaping cancer resistance and provide major advancements in the quest for natural anticancer defences.



Several risk factors have been established for colorectal cancer, yet their direct mutagenic effects in patients' tumors remain to be elucidated. Here, we leveraged whole-exome sequencing data from 900 colorectal cancer cases that had occurred in three U.S.-wide prospective studies with extensive dietary and lifestyle information. We found an alkylating signature that was previously undescribed in colorectal cancer and then showed the existence of a similar mutational process in normal colonic crypts. This alkylating signature is associated with high intakes of processed and unprocessed red meat prior to diagnosis. In addition, this signature was more abundant in the distal colorectum, predicted to target cancer driver mutations KRAS p.G12D, KRAS p.G13D, and PIK3CA p.E545K, and associated with poor survival. Together, these results link for the first time a colorectal mutational signature to a component of diet and further implicate the role of red meat in colorectal cancer initiation and progression.


Colorectal cancer has several lifestyle risk factors, but the underlying mutations for most have not been observed directly in tumors. Analysis of 900 colorectal cancers with whole-exome sequencing and epidemiologic annotations revealed an alkylating mutational signature that was associated with red meat consumption and distal tumor location, as well as predicted to target KRAS p.G12D/p.G13D.

submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by psud@aussie.zone to c/carnivore@lemmy.world

It's a 1 year old study but pretty strong and highly relevant

Dr Ken Berry interviewing the study authors

submitted 1 month ago by Blaze@feddit.org to c/carnivore@lemmy.world

There were a few points mentioned by @Sunshine@lemmy.ca about the negative aspect of carnivore diets on health: https://lemmy.world/comment/14453309

Here are some sources on why the carnivore diet is completely unhealthy:

While there is debate in the scientific community over just how much meat belongs in a human diet, it is impossible for all or even most humans to eat primarily meat. Beef production at the scale required to feed billions of humans even at current levels of consumption is environmentally unsustainable. It is not even healthy from a theoretical evolutionary viewpoint, the microbiome expert Gilbert explained to me. Carnivores need to eat meat or else they die; humans do not. “The carnivore gastrointestinal tract is completely different from the human gastrointestinal tract, which is made up of a system designed to consume large quantities of complex fibers.”


Christopher Gardner, a professor of medicine at Stanford University, is less convinced by the evidence.

“Are these T rex? African lions? Or humans? Assuming [you are referring to] humans, this sounds disastrous on multiple levels,” he said.

The lack of dietary fibre in an all-meat diet is likely to wreak havoc on the bacteria in our colons, known as the microbiome, he said. “Growing evidence suggests that in the absence of adequate fibre, the bacteria in the colon consume and thin the protective mucus lining, which then leads to impaired immune function and inflammation.”

Eating more meat also contributes to a rise in a substance called trimethylamine N-oxide in the blood which, according to research by the Cleveland Heart Lab, may be as bad for heart disease as saturated fat and elevated cholesterol.

Factory farming of animals is also linked to antibiotic resistance in humans and is a huge contributor to the greenhouse gases that contribute to global warming.

“In summary, I think a ‘carnivore diet’ is inappropriate for human health, bad for the health of our planet, abusive of the human labour force that handles the preparation of meat, abusive of animal rights and welfare,” he said.


By skipping fruits and vegetables, people likely won’t get enough fiber in their diets, which can affect gut health. They also will miss out on carotenoids and polyphenols, substances with antioxidant properties that have been linked to lower risk of chronic diseases such as Type 2 diabetes and some types of cancer. Animal products also contain high amounts of saturated fat and cholesterol.

In addition to the potentially adverse health effects of the diet, Willett, professor of epidemiology and nutrition, noted that industrial production of animal-based foods is harmful to the planet. “There’s also the issue of justice that basically the Global North—Europe [and] the United States—cause most of the problems with climate change that we have today, and this sort of perpetuates that.”


Vegan said what??? (lemmy.world)
submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by FelixCress@lemmy.world to c/carnivore@lemmy.world

I think this can be a place to post the most daft stuff vegans say, ideally with links.

I will start with

Cows, pigs, sheeps, etc. are raped (no consent) and sexually assaulted (against their will) for dairy, meat, wool...




My partner (36 XX) is two months in to very strict carnivore, eating exclusively beef mince and grass fed butter. Total intake is 1-1.5kg been mince and 200-300g butter per day. The only beverage is water or Powerade (sugar free, acesulfame K, sucralose).

Her ketones on a blood meter are consistently low, maxing out at 0.2 mmol/L today. She feels tired, fatigued, and has burning in muscles suggesting lactic acid being elevated.

Just looking to see if anyone has seen something similar and if so what the solution was? Thanks

submitted 1 year ago by psud@lemmy.world to c/carnivore@lemmy.world

Users are being chased away from this sub by vegan brigading

Every carnivore comment and post is instantly voted to -2

Each anti carnivore comment is instantly upvoted

Mods: You really should do more to make this a safe place to talk about carnivore without risking karma

submitted 1 year ago by psud@lemmy.world to c/carnivore@lemmy.world

The path for meat: Farm ➡️ abattoir ➡️ butcher ➡️ consumer

Not a lot of value adding steps

The path for wheat: Farm ➡️ factory (make flour) ➡️ factory (combine with other ingredients, cook or not) ➡️ distributor ➡️ supermarket

Lots of value add, lots of transport, lots of profit to make, even if you don't count the illness and medication caused by a meat free diet

submitted 1 year ago by psud@aussie.zone to c/carnivore@lemmy.world

We all know this, but this might be a good article to share with friends and relatives, it's two years old, but I hadn't seen it before.

TLDR: University of Adelaide (in Australia) scientists examined meat eating in cultures world wide, and found that more meat correlates with longer life.

They point out that previous research efforts indicating meat causes bad health are badly designed and suspect on the face of them, but even more suspect with this study

Nutrition in Aussie animals (theconversation.com)
submitted 1 year ago by psud@lemmy.world to c/carnivore@lemmy.world

Recipe: Just plain ol' turkey, injected with a mix of salt, korean chili powder & old bay seasoning. I seasoned the outside and added a marinade of Italian dressing.

Equipment: 18" Weber kettle (AKA, the baby Weber)

Fuel: charcoal with hickory wood chunks.

image of raw turkey legs on a barbecue grill


Carnivore makes me feel the best, weight loss is great, energy is great, inflammation and sore joints are less of an issue. But my favorite perk?


submitted 2 years ago by mrthp@lemmy.world to c/carnivore@lemmy.world

Steak Water and Salt


All day long I want to eat ribeyes. But they get expensive.


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