I thought this had come out already? All the garbage is blurring together.
This is a fucking ad.
People are saying it. Many great people.
The headline is a little ambiguous, but he didn't give in; they relaxed the dress code.
I can see how it's easier to fuck someone than to actively listen and (at least pretend to) empathize with them. It's easier to go without the former than the latter, as well.
Social media, as it currently exists, is a net negative. We'd all be better off without it.
Perhaps the Balrog underestimated Gandalf, thinking it could cast him into the abyss, then fly back up to deal with the rest of the Fellowship. Alternatively, maybe it calculated that its best chance of defeating the wizard was to grapple with him at close quarters. Either way, the Balrog falling doesn't necessarily mean that it wasn't capable of flight.
But.. you don't use butter to make bread. Flour and water, maybe some yeast. If you're using butter to make dough, then it's some kind of pastry.
If the last person who talked to him was Stephen Miller, it probably is. To paraphrase George Burns, putting an idea into his head is like putting a basketball into a thimble.
Literally nobody is saying this. You're full of shit.
Every single article about "gen x" this or "gen z" that is 100% bullshit. Stop reposting this garbage.
Yeah, that's the craziest part of this story. Why would any hospital do that? It seems wildly irresponsible.