[-] mizuki 30 points 2 weeks ago

God I hate living in Utah.

hirule (lemmy.blahaj.zone)
submitted 1 month ago by mizuki to c/onehundredninetysix
[-] mizuki 39 points 2 months ago

I had a therapist that eventually deemed me too dangerous to myself to be in their care, so she upgraded me to super-therapy where I have to go like 9 hours a week and work with a group and like 5 therapists but I still don't get much value out of it :c so yeah, therapy definitely isn't for everyone

[-] mizuki 28 points 2 months ago
[-] mizuki 39 points 3 months ago

If I'm gonna be entirely honest, I think power lines are really nice looking. I even have them as my phones wallpaper. Maybe it's just because I have a interest in infrastructure or something, idk

[-] mizuki 94 points 3 months ago

I'm so fucking done with this country man, people make me so tired of living. I'm so disappointed, and the amount of lives this orange fuck is going to destroy is so immense it's just so depressing. and I hate living in a red state surrounded by idiots who genuinely think this is a good idea, and think I shouldn't even have basic rights.

[-] mizuki 38 points 3 months ago

I haven't even started my transition out of a deathly fear of judgement, but have been getting such severe dysphoria lately that I have almost become a danger to myself. Just knowing that half of America is ok with my rights being stripped from me is enough to stop me from transitioning, let alone all the incoming anti-trans laws. I don't know what to do anymore.

[-] mizuki 20 points 4 months ago

in my experience, younger kids either don't know anything about computers or are obsessed with them. I don't see a lot of the middle

submitted 4 months ago by mizuki to c/unixsocks
[-] mizuki 51 points 4 months ago

fuck russians? fuck the Russian government and the people who support it, not all the russians.

[-] mizuki 92 points 4 months ago

as a high schooler with a special interest in computers, it's genuinely surprising how poor most of my peers computers skills are. most of my peers don't even know the very basics of folder structures.

also unrelated, let's all love lain

[-] mizuki 25 points 4 months ago

tits what tits

submitted 4 months ago by mizuki to c/196

an image of a crying anime girl and the text "me after I say it is what it is for the morbillionth time"

[-] mizuki 23 points 4 months ago

yeah, it's all stupid arbitrary rules. you aren't allowed to drink any form of tea either. it also says any form of premarital sex is the second worse sin to murder. and of course there's all the stuff they like to ignore, like the stuff about not divorcing or anything that doesn't align with their business ideals of making money off the members

rule (lemmy.blahaj.zone)
submitted 4 months ago by mizuki to c/196

god I hate living in utah everyone here is mormon

[-] mizuki 17 points 5 months ago

yeah, luckily it was pretty slow and nobody was hurt, the car can probably get fixed

submitted 5 months ago by mizuki to c/196

am fine, just shaken up and sad image of the front of a orange car that got crashed into and is missing the bumper

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