I get it's needed for the joke to land, but who showers fully clothed?
Shame for reusing the same pumpkin every year. Anymore it's 20% 23% 25%
Damn. No wonder the us is turning to shit. It started taking an interest in itself.
You know what comes before permanent hardship? "Temporary" hardship.
Halloween give you choose.
Is potato
Dude needs 11 pieces of flair on his rock.
I have a similar coworker, was constantly coming by and trying to start up conversation. Asking what I did the weekend etc. Why I don't like their pears etc.
Finally one Monday morning when they came by wasting time I pulled off the headphones and asked "do you have a work related issue you need help with? " their response was "no I'm just socializing" I responded with something implying they'd actually be good at their job if they did that instead, and I'm not now or ever interested in socialising with them. They finally buggered off.
Wait, you mean providing people with opportunities instead of fines, makes it so they can start to afford to live?
I'm shocked!!! Shocked I tell you!
Ok not all that shocked.
Till safety dude comes by and asks what his tie off point is rated to.
It sinks.
Tungsten isn't reactive with water, it's not an alkali metal.
Sodium, lithium, potassium etc (alkali metals) would react violently with water though.
If he does somehow become president, I will be taking all the time off possible (ie general strike) and trying to convince everyone else to do the same.
Yes I'm in a "safe Republican" state. Don't care, that "party" shouldn't be in power.
If only enthusiasm countered the unjustness of voter suppression and the electoral college.