That was a very puzzling casting decision
My main worry is the glorification of illegal intelligence activities, contradicting the message of Deep Space Nine. If the movie can handle that barrier, fun and silly sounds great.
Maybe the -B will get a cameo in Section 31
Who do you think has killed more gay Palestinians, Hamas or the IDF?
I like/hate that one of the sharks has eyelashes so you know which is the girl shark
Actually good regulations targeting the most manipulative of game designs.
He's kind of accidentally implying that soldiers who fuck their comrades are better
What do you have to look like to achieve more than a 7? A biblically accurate angel?
They actually called it NERV the dorks
It's always telling when people describe a minority as a "political movement" rather than... people is where I do the vast majority of my internet activities
I like a goofy team of eccentrics but I have no idea why these people would be hired by an ultra secretive espionage agency. Did Zeph even get to punch anything in the end? Quasi really had very little to do which is a shame.