I love megadeth and pantera. It sucks that those artists have sich disgusting contemptible views. I went to a lamb of god/megadeth concert a couple years back and had to sit through mustaines bullshit right wing ramblings but i made sure to loudly yell out “free palestine” during a breif moment of silence.
I think the right word to use here is “defined”
It seems they were never pretending. Just a bunch of boot rubber connoisseurs. It seems that UHC leadership might even have a direct hand in the creation of this subreddit.
Thats something i wonder too. My answer is that many of the unwilling participants within capitalism are delusional and believe that they are capitalists when being a capitalist means you would have capital so that means these people are nothing more than exploited workers with severe Stockholm syndrome. People like this writer believe they are just temporarily embarrassed billionaires
So this is how democracy dies, to thunderous applause
Go back to late 18th century versailles and you’ll see the level of wealth inequity today is just slightly worse than it was at that point in time so i dont see anything too crazy as far as this whole uhc ceo execution and the public response to it.
Whenever i see one I have no choice but to yell out “elon musk is a fucking cunt” at the top of my lungs. And it really sucks because i hate saying that chud’s name and prefer to call him “space karen”
I see tankie used far more as a pejorative Term for leftists (socialists, communists and or anarchists) than actually being used with any nuance to criticize authoritarian apologia One can draw parallels between capitalism’s failures and the successes of authoritarian socialist/ communist regimes without praising authoritarianism. One can also condemn authoritarianism while also acknowledging that one form of authoritarianism will be or is worse than another.
Lets nuke the shit out of the shitty parts but keep the decorated live tree, pretty lights, egg nog, giving poor people and or family members things they cant normally afford and radicalizing our younger family members to be anarchistic leftists over ham or turkey or Chinese food while your older relatives try to push them as far right as possible and complain about everything that comes out of your mouth. You know the good parts of Christmas.
Im not giving any money. Its winter and propane is $20 a refill lasting 3 days. Maybe ill send a christmas card I have some stamps lying around.
But the outpouring of support including people wanting to put money on mangione’s commissary is most likely due to the fact that many people have been thinking this for a while and if mangione is indeed responsible what he did was he said the quiet part out loud. And now the billionaires and their executive corporate pets are scrambling on pr and damage control to scold the rest of us for our irreverent response welcoming revolution and class war.
This country is just a fascist corporatist shithole nightmare.
Money and greed are considered virtues. This is capitalism by design.