49.8% is less than 50%... I used AP. I genuinely don't understand your meaning.
He got less than 50%
The laser is for drones or missiles. Missiles are used for ships, which outrange battleships by a large margin, hence why they've been phased out of service. One jet can sink a ship hundreds of miles from its carrier.
As a trans person in a trans friend group, this is fucking hilarious. Trans people tend to have more casual views on sex and relationships, and often don't care for, or at least are okay eschewing, monogamy. If you're willing to question the gender systems that society forces on everyone then you're willing to question other things. No group of trans women is spontaneously having an orgy (unless that was the plan going in), its hyperbole for the joke, poking fun at the tendency for trans friend groups to all have been sexual partners at some point.
You should reference my other comment in this thread. You're correct that statements like "all men are trash" are unjustly prejudiced, but you're making a false equivalence.
This definitely misses the power imbalance of punching down vs up. If someone genuinely believes all men are "scum," yeah, that's prejudiced. However, there is a big difference between a group that has less power in society pushing up against the class that has more power or oppresses them and the reverse. The idea that "y group is (insert pejorative)" and "x group is (insert pejorative)" are equally bigoted statements assumes that x and y groups are equal in social power. Statements like "men are trash" or equivalent don't necessarily represent an individual's true opinion of all men, but a general pushing back against a group with more power, many individuals of which attempt to exercise their perceived privilege over women.
Women that say "all men are trash" or similar might not be thinking with this level of introspection and subtlety, but it's a subconscious reaction to their position as a group with less power. They rarely hold that on a personal level against every individual man, unless they've been deeply hurt. I have experienced things that make it harder for me to trust men. My friends have experienced things that make it harder to trust men. I do not think every man is evil. When you see the damage around you on societal levels, see the people calling for your rights to be taken away, see how they treat you like an object or property because of who you are, and you see it in the lives of many many people like you, it creates a resentment of the group that is responsible.
I am not suggesting that there are no women that take advantage of men. I am not suggesting that men cannot be abused. I am not suggesting that it's okay to make men feel responsible for the actions of people that share only a gender with them, nothing else. However, I am explaining why women might feel hurt or disempowered enough to push back against men in general, and why "men are trash" and "women are trash" (though far more often, the phrase when targeted at women takes a sexual connotation: whores, etc) are not equivalent statements. Both the women that have been hurt and the men that feel hurt by the byproduct of their resentment are victims of the patriarchy. Until everyone, regardless of gender, holds the same societal power, there will always be people of all groups being hurt by the imbalance.
TLDR: Don't resent the women who are a product of their environment saying "men are trash," resent the patriarchy that hurts men and women alike.
Isn't this satire?
The Jungle was a book exposing the nightmares of the industrial revolution, especially in the meat packing industry.
Atlas Shrugged is the conservative wet dream of "what if the rich people that totally do all the work and hold everything together got tired of the poors being so whiny and ungrateful and stopped." It's an-cap fan fiction.
It really fucked me up when I realized that "picture this" wasn't an entirely figurative saying, and everyone else does actually see stuff in their "mind's eye."
Isn't this obvious satire? This isn't a right wing meme, it's making fun of right wing memes.
I don't understand your comment. Are you saying that the phrase "we the people" is nationalist? If so, I'd disagree. It's the first few words of the preamble to the constitution. It would be strange if the constitution didn't specifically refer to the United States citizens. "We the people" isn't saying "USA first," it's a callback to the ideal that every American citizen should be equal, without kings, as other similar documents defining the government of monarchies would be under some monarch's authority, not "the people." Whether that ideal has been upheld or not is a different conversation entirely, but the phrase itself as a rejection of monarchy and oligarchy is a good message to repeat against Trump and Elon.