[-] autoexec 28 points 2 months ago

My mirror is broken, it usually throws punches instead of hugs...

(I'm working on it)

[-] autoexec 13 points 4 months ago

Where does "it used to work, but now it doesn't, and I don't understand how it could ever have worked" fit in?

[-] autoexec 12 points 5 months ago

Started by going through the official system, went diy after they went from treating me bad to horrible. And it honestly gave me a lot of confidence to not feel like I depend on those assholes anymore, even if I go back later. It still broke me a bit that I no longer trust doctors.

Maybe you can get a new assessment with a different doctor, if you still want that?

[-] autoexec 37 points 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago)

If you can afford it, it sounds like going to a therapist to unravel your feelings and possible trauma could be worth it. A good one will not tell you if you are trans, just help you along the way. If you can't then some lgbt groups offer help to questioning people too.

You don't have to rush it just because the vial might expire. Do it on your own time, experiment with other things (thought experiments, clothes...) if jumping to hormones is too much. Remember that it's not a magic juice that instantly turns you girly, you can always stop if you feel weird on it.

Also, do you trust her this much? I'm a trans woman on DIY but I'm getting mine from a source I've seen other buy from and talk good about. You also need to spend some time researching doses and what blood tests to do first too.

[-] autoexec 15 points 11 months ago

Unexpected e pro: way more confident

Unexpected e con: I lost 1 cm of height! I can no longer stare you down from 200 cm and 199 is just not the same :(

[-] autoexec 13 points 11 months ago

I thought r/suddenly_trans was a odd funny subreddit, and one day someone linked to egg_irl in the comments and guess that's how I finally understood what being trans could mean - that was a very long weekend with a lot of thinking about all the signs that I didn't see :D

[-] autoexec 82 points 1 year ago

People here are apparently either foss neckbeards or transfems/femboys, and they are all valid.

[-] autoexec 27 points 1 year ago

Trans dev here, I hear that hacker spaces aren't bad places to look. I wouldn't know though, too shy to actually show up -.-

[-] autoexec 13 points 1 year ago

What are the preferred alternatives?

Mine is probably matrix, mostly because I can use the same account everywhere, but it also feels like there's a lot of gotchas and all the phone apps are kinda meh each in their own unique way.

[-] autoexec 13 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

I feel like I should have found other trans people to talk with irl earlier. I don't think I was fully ready until recently tho.

[-] autoexec 75 points 1 year ago

But you should probably touch it before all the dependencies are outdated. And before everyone who understands how to work with it has left. Especially if it happens to be core to the business.


submitted 1 year ago by autoexec to c/teknologi@feddit.dk

For et par måneder siden var der et opslag om østrigske HeissePreise der viser dagligvare priser, og som er open source. Jeg har, med hjælp fra folk på Mastodon til at finde api'er, lavet en klon med et par danske supermarkeder.

Jeg bruger selv siden ved at lave identiske indkøbskurve for 3 lokale supermarkeder til at se hvor jeg billigst får de ting jeg ofte køber.

Der er kun data siden begyndelsen af november, men det er nok til at man kan se hvis et produkt periodisk har nedsat pris.

En ekstra feature jeg har tilføjet er at siden også tracker mængde ændringer, det kan ses på siden med prisændringer hvis man trykker på 🤏

She's up to date 🔥 (toot.finfur.net)
submitted 1 year ago by autoexec to c/xenia
[-] autoexec 15 points 1 year ago

For halvanden uges tid siden lavede @renard_roux@beehaw.org en tråd om en hjemmeside som tracker priser på varer i østrigske supermarkeder.

Jeg delte lidt overvejelser om det overhovedet var muligt at lave noget lignende for danske supermarkeder på Mastodon, og pludseligt havde folk sendt mig url'er hvor man kunne hente produkter fra adskillige kæder ud over den som renard_roux havde fundet, så nu har jeg lavet en dansk version her: https://heissepreise.leonora.app/ baseret på det østrigske projekt.

Der mangler stadig lidt detaljer og oversættelser, og har ikke fundet en måde at få Coops priser, men ikke værst syntes jeg.

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joined 2 years ago