Fine going out on your back but to Tessa Blanchard? Come on now, so they're replacing Grace with Blanchard basically. I don't know but this almost feels the same as certain companies dropping DEI programs and certain social media platforms allowing forms of verbal abuse. The timing of hiring a scorned bigot as their next big star makes it seem like it was an easy decision.
If Jordynne Grace is WWE bound, maybe I'll follow. At the very least I'm more interested in checking out NXT than I have been in a long time. Although watch Tessa Blanchard get regularly used in this crossover that they're doing anyway.
Feeling like jumping ship a little right now. AEW kinda comes across as a little smarky for me and as someone that hasn't watched much, doesn't sound like they give women's wrestling nearly as much focus as TNA does.
If this guy is headed for WWE and doesn't just get lumped into a tag team with Penta again, even more reason for me to consider the switch. It would be pretty appropriate, considering that Lucha Underground was my original jumping off point away from WWE.