[-] Zero22xx 6 points 3 weeks ago

Ah, thank you for the correction. I was under the assumption that both the Observer and the Guardian were sold but looking again, seems to be just the Observer. I'll edit my first post to direct people to your comment.

[-] Zero22xx 6 points 3 weeks ago

Yeah as far as I know that's the way it is in most western countries. A lot of our laws are based on Christianity. Along with every national public holiday being based on special Christian days. In places where they like to complain about how discriminated against and hard done by they are (while enjoying their freedom to openly discriminate against all flavours of queer people and anyone else they consider a heretic).

[-] Zero22xx 6 points 3 weeks ago

Holy crap, this community exists on Lemmy! Never even thought to look for it. A little disappointed that it's half dead though, like so many other cool communities here.

And I've never read Twilight but I vaguely know the story thanks to the internet not shutting up about it at one point. And I have to say, a gender swapped version of it sounds freaking amazing. Might have to check this out.

[-] Zero22xx 5 points 3 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago)

Haha that reminds me of a conversation I was having with a friend once upon a time where I said something like: "I just want to meet someone that wants to spend Saturday night at home watching series and smoking a joint. But that person for me probably doesn't exist." And my friend responded with "Nah, they do exist but they're busy spending Saturday nights at home watching series and smoking a joint, so you'll never meet."

Also, small towns fucking suck and this is not a generational thing. You're stuck between a rock and hard place where the same people who are telling you about the 'bro code' and enforcing it on others, are all playing musical chairs with each other's boyfriends and girlfriends because the dating pool is so small.

If there's another piece of advice I could give you, fuck the bro code. It's a lie. None of these assholes will follow it themselves when the opportunity comes up for them and you'll be the only idiot trying to stay 'honourable'. Very few people that you ever meet have never dated someone before, so you're going to be always dating somebody's ex and you're going to be always breaking the code anyway whether you like it or not. And in a small town, you can't afford to pass up opportunities for the sake of assholes that you'll probably not even be friends with 10 years from now. And who would do the same to you without a second thought.

Also, I don't know if you saw my edit but I can't say this enough. Keep the heavy shit about marriage and children to yourself. Keep it light. Coming on too strong is the biggest romance killer. Try to put that shit out of your mind until much later in the relationship, if you can.

[-] Zero22xx 6 points 1 month ago

When the nazis that you allowed to freely exist take away your freedom first chance they get:


[-] Zero22xx 6 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

Which is a problem, IMO. Maybe the solution is to have a women focused instance and I would be all for it. But also, that's a little bit like India having a women only train because the men are too rapey on other trains. It allows safe passage for women for now but doesn't actually fix or address the problem of rapey men.

[-] Zero22xx 6 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

If it's a particular community being targeted, I'd probably start with people who aren't subscribed or don't contribute but camp out downvoting everything anyway. I mean, to me it sounds very much like this user's community is being blatantly targeted, so I'm not sure I understand why trends still need to be researched before anything can be done about it.

But I'm not an admin and I actually don't know what tools you have available to you. I was just under the impression that you could see when people who don't actually belong to a certain community go there just to downvote everything. Reddit managed to make people fear consequences for downvote brigading though, not sure how they pulled it off.

If this really is something that admins on various Lemmy instances are just too helpless to do anything about, then I apologise for directing my anger towards admins. And then I don't know what the solution is either because without any sort of assistance in the matter, women are just going to give up even trying to set up spaces here (actually seems like that's already happened for the most part). And so the culture will just never change.

[-] Zero22xx 6 points 1 month ago

Just went there. Top post is politics, next post is about a touchy feely doctor, there's a few about body image, more politics, a reminder to not use period tracker apps because the USA government is literally taking women's rights over their own bodies away, dating advice, more politics.

Looks to me like a women-oriented subreddit for discussing women's issues, just like it always has. Could you point out some of these 'femcels' there to me? Should they be praising the Trump administration, swooning over pervert doctors and sharing Andrew Tate screenshots instead?

Maybe a lot are a bit angry there but I think they've got every fucking right to be angry right now. Don't you?

[-] Zero22xx 6 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

Based on what I've learnt, what's holding Lemmy back is that a large amount of users are fucking man babies that brigade any women-oriented communities and drive women in general away from this place, while admins just sit back and allow them to. The Lemmy mouse needs a fedora.

[-] Zero22xx 6 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

Still torn on Haley and Leah, years later. If Haley didn't exist, Leah would be the obvious choice but Haley is a character that I didn't like at first, that just took me more and more by surprise with every cutscene. And made me realise that there was more to this snob that insulted my clothes when we first met.

Abigail is also my type but comes across as a little on the young side. Haley, Emily and Leah read as late 20s and up to me, Abigail is fresh out of school I'm pretty sure.

Haven't played in a while, actually. Been itching for a playthrough again but need to brace myself for the setting up of mods and completion lists first.

Edit: honestly if I could romance Abigail's mother Caroline and steal her from Pierre, I'd be pretty happy.

[-] Zero22xx 6 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

I'm too new to be making these kinds of suggestions and I'm far from the moderator type myself but multiple times throughout this week, I've been thinking that it would be pretty cool if there was an AskBlåhaj. Or even just general Ask Lemmy based here, that could be asking for unwanted attention from shitty people on other instances though.

Not even 24 hours after seeing this post, I've seen someone else getting the snark and a non answer for a simple question. And also a Blåhaj user.

As much of a public bathroom as it could be, AskReddit was pretty fun for 'silly' questions and general chatting. And a nice place for new users to hang around and gain karma and confidence. But with the gatekeeper neckbeardy types around, maybe what it needs on Lemmy is to be in an instance with rules that promote friendliness and good vibes.

Just an idea to throw out there anyway.

[-] Zero22xx 6 points 1 month ago

Or the right wing way is just to say one thing and do another thing. Honestly to me as a non-American, it's pretty weird that the right wingers have latched onto this 'free speech' thing and that everyone just goes along with it because to me, things like free speech and freedom of expression always seemed like liberal or left wing ideals.

These guys talk about free speech, then burn a pile of schoolbooks that spread the 'librul' agenda and call for anyone that isn't white and Christian to be removed from their sight. The only small part of free speech that they're interested in is being able to call groups of people subhuman and they don't just want that sort of free speech, they want freedom from consequences too and act like getting punched in the mouth for saying the wrong thing in the wrong place isn't a thing in real life either. And more than that, based on the extreme pearl clutching when the 'tOlERanT lEFt' ever comes down from their high horses, they want that free speech for themselves and themselves only.

Basically they're liars, bad faith trolls and people that actually believe that their bigotry means that they stand for 'freedom'. They also 'care about the kids' but want to marry and fuck them and send them to the mines. So isn't it obvious by now that everything is opposite day with these people?

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