[-] Zero22xx 6 points 3 weeks ago

Ah, thank you for the correction. I was under the assumption that both the Observer and the Guardian were sold but looking again, seems to be just the Observer. I'll edit my first post to direct people to your comment.

[-] Zero22xx 6 points 3 weeks ago

Yeah as far as I know that's the way it is in most western countries. A lot of our laws are based on Christianity. Along with every national public holiday being based on special Christian days. In places where they like to complain about how discriminated against and hard done by they are (while enjoying their freedom to openly discriminate against all flavours of queer people and anyone else they consider a heretic).

[-] Zero22xx 7 points 3 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago)

No one looks at or cares who the moderators are when they post anything anywhere, EVER! NEVER EVER EVER!!!

Yup. I wish that it was possible to make it clear to moderators just how little of a fuck the average user gives about them. Because they generally seem to have delusions of grandeur and think of themselves as the most important people around. Which is fucking bullshit because without the users that they dismiss and treat like dirt, they wouldn't have a platform where they get to inflate their egos in the first place.

I actually made a post about this elsewhere but I'm gonna mention it here too. The reason the API thing on Reddit didn't cause every user to come here is because the moderators there made it all about themselves. To the average user, the whole 'protest' looked a lot like the people who treat users unfairly whining and crying about the admins treating them unfairly. And I can tell you, there was little to no sympathy for them. All they did was cry about their modding tools while locking entire communities that thousands or hundreds of thousands of people make use of. And they pissed everyone off.

I know that personally a big reason the API thing didn't do much for me in my decision to leave Reddit (or not) was because the same people that forced me into using services like reveddit because they like to silently remove people's comments without notice or a trace, were suddenly asking me for solidarity and to feel sorry for them. And at that time, my feelings towards the situation and the moderators who were crying about it was "go fuck yourselves."

[-] Zero22xx 7 points 1 month ago

Thank you! I will take a good look at that a little later when I'm in front of my laptop. Kind of a useless reply but I don't want to come across like I'm ignoring this either while I still go on shitposting elsewhere.

[-] Zero22xx 7 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

Haha I use adblock (uBlock Origin to be specific) in Firefox but I was talking about the app in particular. I actually have a hosts level ad blocker installed too but it's disabled a lot of the time because every now and then it breaks something and I'm too lazy to toggle and reboot any time that happens.

Honestly though, I didn't mind Reddit ads that much. I've spent the last few years questioning gender and shit and honestly, watching targeted advertising try to figure me out on various platforms has been oddly fun and affirming in a lot of cases that I'm on the right track, in the right place and asking the right questions.

Not that I'm defending it, no ads is of course better but I've seen much worse and more obnoxious styles of advertising than the way Reddit handled it. For all their faults, if they had to go down the advertising route, at least they managed to keep it somewhat more classy than almost everyone else.

[-] Zero22xx 7 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

Drinking too much coffee and doomscrolling from my bed until I get my hands on another bag of weed later and can function (somewhat) properly again.

[-] Zero22xx 7 points 1 month ago

Fuck no. The Americans provide 90% of our entertainment and they're actually fun people to interact with and chat with (the ones that aren't wearing MAGA hats that is). What am I gonna go without Americans on social media? Talk about fucking Table Mountain? Join the Europeans in looking down on the USA for everything and always acting like their own shit doesn't stink?

Fuck that, I'd start using VPNs.

[-] Zero22xx 7 points 1 month ago

Critics warned it advances anti-trans rhetoric

Hmmm yes this floor appears to made of floor.

[-] Zero22xx 7 points 1 month ago

If you think twoxchromosomes is bad because women there had the nerve to talk about their bad experiences, then actual feminist subs must've terrified you.

[-] Zero22xx 7 points 1 month ago

Save to documents surely? It's a document

I didn't think that any Windows related software was actually aware that the 'Documents' folder is supposed to be for documents. Because my 'Documents' folder gets used as a dumping ground for any old program to drop their shit in. Even though there's literally dedicated folders for app data and saved games.

Personally I make my own 'Home' folder with my own pictures, movies, documents etc. folders because whether it's Windows, Linux or Android, the concept of having your own user folder for your own things is a joke because developers don't respect that and just dump their files anywhere.

[-] Zero22xx 7 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

We don't need to reach 1M MAU, but having 100k would already be a nice improvement

Definitely agreed with this. And less always (understandably) angry political posters, more escapists that want to chat about movies, games etc. It becomes like that snake eating itself because people that want a break from real life come here and see nothing but the same 24 news cycle as everywhere else. And then, speaking for myself, searching up certain niche communities and finding them either non-existent or with 3 posts from 1 and a half years ago.

I've been thinking of porting a couple of my old review posts over here from my banned but not yet closed Reddit account. Just so that, for example, the next time someone visits the Ghibli community there'll be 4 posts instead of 3.

And the Sonic communities are pretty disappointing too, considering I'm always seeing it mentioned in the wild these days. Makes me think (or hope) that there's a lot of people like me wishing there was more activity in these areas.

Reddit is sadly still unbeaten in searching up a TV show that you enjoy and finding an entire community built around it. And those communities never took a lot of members. So it shouldn't be impossible here.

[-] Zero22xx 6 points 1 month ago

I'm aware of ask transgender, but what I had in mind would be a lot more general purpose, like Ask Reddit / Lemmy. Just in a better environment.

Reading that previous post made me remember how intimidating it could be joining forum sites and trying to fit in and find your way at first. I'm pretty sure I was intimidated by Reddit at first way back in the day too.

And Ask Reddit style place is perfect to break the ice in that case. I get the impression that a couple of people that are new(ish) to here are trying that and getting edgy and (maybe unintentionally) abrasive responses. And getting scared off. Which made me think of this instance having a section for noobs or people who just like to ask random questions and chat.

Either way, I'm no moderator as I said. So it's just a suggestion anyway, for anyone that might think it's a good idea.

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